Prescribed number of Pass Books to be checked during inspections of Post Offices
Prescribed number of Pass Books to be checked during inspections of Post Offices:
Type of Post Office Number of Pass Books to be verified Head Post Office:
Collect 5 Pass books in each of the schemes like SB, RD, TD, MlS, SCSS , SSA, PPF, KVP, NSC,NREGS (Basic)and verify balance with the Finacle ledger. Issue SB-46 notices if Pass books could not be collected. Also check that no manual entries or alteration in the pass book and record results. Note: Check that there are no manual entries in the passbooks and passbook entries are made through passbook printer only and record result. In case of any discrepancy noticed, take remedial action.
[Authority: Question No 66 of Supplementary Inspection Questionnaire and modifications in existing Inspection Questionnaire of HO, SO and BO relating to Financial Services circulated vide Department of Posts, New Delhi Letter No 16-02/2017-Inspn dated 24.09.2020].
Sub Post Office :
[a] Collect 5 pass books for each schemes (SB/TD/RD/MIS/SCSS/ PPF/ KVP/NSC/SSA,NREGS(Basic)) of accounts opened in different dates from previous inspection and check the balance/transactions in the passbook with the balance shown in the Finacle CBS Application. Issue SB 46 notices if Passbooks could not be collected from the Depositors. In case of any discrepancy noticed records results and take further necessary action.
[b] For C Class Post Offices:-Collect 5 passbooks for each schemes (SB/TD/RD/MIS/SCSS/PPF/KPV/NSC/SSA,NREGs (Basic) of accounts opened in different dates from previous inspection and check the balance/transactions in the passbook with the balance shown in the Finacle CBS Applications. Issue SB 46 notices if Passbooks could not be collected from the Depositors. In case of any discrepancy noticed record results and take further necessary action. Note:-Check that there are no manual entries in the passbooks and passbook entries are made through passbook entries are made through passbook printer only and record result. In case of any discrepancy noticed, take remedial action.
[Authority: Question No. 52 [a] and [b] of Supplementary Inspection Questionnaire and modifications in existing Inspection Questionnaire of HO,SO and BO relating to Financial Services circulated vide Department of Posts, New Delhi Letter No 16-02/2017-Inspn dated 24.09.2020].
Branch Post Office:
Collect 1 passbook for every two months (i.e total 6 passbook for each scheme since last inspection) for account opened/subsequent transaction made for each scheme operated by respective BO (i.e SB/Basic Savings Account/RD/TD/SSA/MIS/SCSS/PPF/KVP NSC) from depositors and verify with Finacle/Journal/RICT Device. If not able to collect, issue SB-46 for verification of balances. Also ensure that first page entries and initial deposits are not altered, over written.
Note:- In case number of accounts opened under any scheme is less than prescribed above, all accounts under the particular scheme opened since last inspection are to be verified. [Authority: Question No 36 of The Standard Inspection Questionnaire of Branch Post office and supplementary questions thereon circulated vide Department of Posts, New Delhi Letter No. l6-08/2019-Inspn. dated 09.08.2019 and letter no. 16-02/2017-Inspn. dated 24.09.2020 respectively is revised vide Department of Posts, New Delhi Letter No. l6-03/2019-Inspn dated 15.04.2021]
RPLI Premium Receipt Books:
Branch Post Office
Collect a few PRBs [minimum five] for two days of a month,compare the credit entries appearing in them and ensure that all entries in them are recorded in Day Collection Report and Cash Bok Report [wherever applicable] and are correctly accounted on the respective dates. Please also check whether all the transactions are noted legibly in the PRB and signed and date stamped by the BPM on the respective dates.
[Authority: Question No 49.11 of BO Inspection Questionnaire issued vide Department of Posts, New Delhi Letter No 16-03/2019 dated 09.08.2019].
Sub Post Office
Collect a few PLI/RPLI Premium Receipt Books (Minimum of 5 each) and check whether the premium noted in them is correctly accounted for in PO records on the respective dates. Also check whether the amount & the period for which the premium collected relates as noted in the PRB agrees with office copies of the receipts.
[Authority: Question No 69 of Revised Edition 2018 of SO Inspection Questionnaire issued by Department of Posts]
Rule regarding verification of Pass Books: Rule 47 of CBS Manual circulated vide SB Order 9/2018 [Department of Posts, New Delhi Letter No 116-17/2017-SB dated 17.07.2018] reads as below:
Action to be taken by Inspecting/vising officers:-
All divisional and sub divisional offices should obtain access to Finacle CBS application and Finacle login IDs for all sub divisional and divisional heads from CEPT Chennai through circle CPCs. Designated officials at Divisional Offices should randomly check the leave records of the officials with login/log out reports in Finacle. All the inspecting officers provided with the login credentials to Finacle CBS, should check the balance of accounts verified by them during the inspection of BO/SO/HO.
Rule 102 of CBS Manual circulated vide SB Order 9/2018 [Department of Posts, New Delhi Letter No 116-17/2017-SB dated 17.07.2018] reads as below:
Checking of Time Deposit Accounts at branch offices and single handed departmental sub post offices:-
(1) Mail Overseers during their visits to branch offices should collect CBS Pass Books in respect of prescribed number of TD accounts standing open at the post office with reference to the specimen signature book. The balances in respect of all these accounts on the basis of CBS Pass Books entries will be verified with reference to preliminary receipt book, TD journal and BO account with a view to verify that the amounts of deposit have been duly brought to account. A list of all such accounts in the proforma given in para.
(2) below will be prepared showing the balance at credit in the account as shown in the CBS Pass Book and forwarded to the Account Office for verification. In case any discrepancy is noticed, the Account Office will send an immediate report to the Divisional Superintendent for taking up necessary enquires without any loss of time.
(2) A random check as prescribed in Inspection Questionnaire in respect of TD accounts opened at single handed departmental sub post offices will be carried out by the Inspecting Officers at the time of visit/inspection. For this purpose the Inspecting Officer will call for prescribed number of TD CBS Pass Books from the depositors and verify that deposits shown in them have been accounted for in the TD account in Finacle CBS Application and Sub office account. The Inspecting Officer will issue notices to depositors in form SB-46 in respect of the remaining TD accounts which should be sent through registered post. The list of such notices issued and CBS Pass Books verified will be prepared in the following proforma and sent to the Head Office:
(1) Serial Number
(2) Account Number
(3) Category of account.
The Postmaster, on receipt of the list, will take further action as per relevant Rule.
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