Non disclosure of the Identity of the sender under PIDPI | Instructions to Post Offices - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Non disclosure of the Identity of the sender under PIDPI | Instructions to Post Offices


Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

All the Heads of Circles

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi — 110001 

Dated: 26.11.2021

Subject: Non disclosure of the Identity of the sender under PIDPI.

I am  directed  to  refer  to ihe  CVC DO. letter  No. conf/Misc/2l/02 dated  17.11.2021 and  PO  Division  office  letter  No.  31-01/2021-PO  dated  03.03.2021  and  03.11.2021  (copies enclosed) whereby  instructions  regarding  acceptance  of  the  envelopes  addressed  to  CVC  and marked as 'PIDPI' or 'Public Interest Disclosure and  Protection  of Informer' without  insisting on the name and address of the sender were issued to all the Heads of Circles.

2.        It has been observed  that the aforesaid  instructions have not percolated  down to all those who are involved  in the booking of Registered/  Speed  Post articles. In this regard, concerns have been  raised  by  the  Central  Vigilance  Commission  citing  the  gap  in  the  implementation  of  the aforesaid  instructions.

3.         It  is,  therefore,  reiterated  that  all  the  employees  may  be  sensitized  not  to  insist  on  the name and address  of the sender and  accept  the envelopes  marked  as ‘PIDPI’  or 'Public Interest Disclosure  and  Protection  of  informer’ addressed to  the  CVC  by  entering  ’PIDPI’  in  the  name and  address  fields  of' Registered  /Speed  Post  articles.  It  is also  requested  to display  the  poster (copy  enclosed)  at  prominent  places  in Post  Offices  under  your  jurisdiction.  

It is  suggested that in the BOs and smaller offices, the posters should be printed on A-4 size paper and displayed on  the  notice  boards.  It  is  also  requested   to  give  wide publicity  to  these  instructions  duly translated  in  local/ regional  languages  through  the use Of Circle  websites  and  other social  media platforms. PTCs may also be instructed  to include these in the different training modules.

4.        The matter may be accorded ‘Top Priority’,

This issues with the  approval of DG(PS).

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