MCQ QUIZ On Schedule of Financial Powers of Head of the Division | DOP Schedule III MCQs/Quiz | IPO Exam and PS Group B MCQs/Quiz - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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MCQ QUIZ On Schedule of Financial Powers of Head of the Division | DOP Schedule III MCQs/Quiz | IPO Exam and PS Group B MCQs/Quiz

Schedule of Financial Powers of Head of the Postal Division. MCQS/QUIZ On Schedule III of Financial Powers of Head of the Postal Division.

1. Financial power of DH for sanction of purchase of equipment and consumables connected with computers and other equipment's



2.  For the purpose of schedule 3 the term Head of postal division includes


Chief Postmaster

Superintendent of foreign post

All of these

3.  Sanction of non-recurring contingent expenditure, powers for which are not provided for specifically by the Head of postal division is up to 

₹ 5000 in each case

4.  Financial power of Head of the Division for emergent purchase of Articles of stock and stationery not ordinarily available in the stock after obtaining non availability certificate from PSD concerned is

up to ₹ 50,000 per annum

5.  Financial power of head of postal division for sanctioning expenditure carriage of mails by mods other than rail and air transport is

₹ 1000 in each case

6.  Financial power of Head of postal division for sanction of temporary arrangements for conveyance of males without calling tenders is

Rupees ₹ 5000 in each case for the period of three months only 

7. Financial Power of DH , May purchase furniture and fittings for offices, including tiffin rooms, rest rooms, holiday homes, inspection rooms/quarters etc for Divisional Office per annum is



8. Financial Power of DH  May purchase furniture and fittings for offices including tiffin rooms rest rooms holiday homes inspection rooms/quarters etc for Sub Divisional Office per annum is


9. Financial Power of DH to purchase furniture and fittings for offices, including tiffin rooms, rest rooms, holiday homes, inspection rooms/quarters etc for Gazetted HOs per annum is


10. Financial Power of DH to purchase furniture and fittings for offices, including tiffin rooms, rest rooms, holiday homes, inspection rooms/quarters etc for HSG HO/MDG/HSG SO per annum is



11. Financial Power of DH to purchase furniture and fittings for offices, including tiffin rooms, rest rooms, holiday homes, inspection rooms/quarters etc for LSG SO per annum is


12. Financial Power of DH to purchase furniture and fittings for offices, including tiffin rooms, rest rooms, holiday homes, inspection rooms/quarters etc for Time Scale SO per annum is


13. Financial Power of DH to purchase furniture and fittings for offices, including tiffin rooms, rest rooms, holiday homes, inspection rooms/quarters etc for EDBO per annum is


14. Financial Power of DH for Renting of buildings for office use in B1 & B2 Cities  is

Up to ₹ 4,000/-per month

15. Financial Power of DH for Maintenance of Gardens

Up to 1,000/- per month in each case

16.What is the Sanctioning Power of DH for Advertisement charges for calling tenders for mail contracts, buildings etc, and advertisements of products, services and initiatives of the Department?

Up to 5,000/- in each case

17. Financial Powers of Head of the Postal Division for Hiring of accommodation for holding examinations and for other purposes e.g. holding customer meet etc.

Up to 5000/- in each case

18. Financial Powers of DH for Hiring of generators, water/air coolers, heaters, air-conditioner, other equipment like franking machines etc.

Up to 5,000/- in each case.

19. DH May sanction Petty works for Departmental per Building per annum is

Up to  10000/-

20. DH May Sanction annual or special repairs/maintenance expenses to Departmental buildings - per annum per building is

Up to  15000/-

21. DH May sanction petty works/special repairs/ maintenance expenses in rented building per annum is

Up to ₹ 2,500/-

22. DH May write off articles of dead stock, used up equipment up to

In all cases where original price of stock was not more than 1,000/- subject to an overall limit of 50,000/- per annum

23.DH may sanction Printing of rate charts, mailers, brochures and other material required for publicizing the products, services and initiatives of the Department – and distribution to post offices, marketing executives and customers

Up to 10,000/-per annum for all activities taken together

24. Which one of the following Schedule containing Financial Powers of Head of Postal Division?

Schedule III

25. Which one of the following Rules Restricts or Limits the Delegation of Financial Powers?

DFPR, 1978



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QUIZ On Schedule of Financial Powers of Head of Postal Division

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