LDCE IPO Exam Rescheduled to January 2022 | LDCE Inspector Posts Exam Service Eligibility Relaxation | IPO Exam Postponed to January 2022 | LDCE IP Addendum
F. No. A-34012/03/2021 -DE.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Deportment of Posts (DE Section)
Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110 001
Dated: 10th December, 2021
Conducting of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (66.66%) for the vacancy year 201 9, 2020, 2021 - relaxing eligibility service and re-scheduling of the examination.
In continuation to the Notification dated 09.11.2021 ,I am directed to convey that the Competent Authority has accorded approval to re-schedule the LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts for the vacancy year 2019 , 2020 & 2021 from l8th & l9th December,202l to 15th & l6th January,2022
2. ln this regard, an addendum is enclosed. The addendum contains relaxation made in eligibility service and re-schedule for exam related activities. Applications will be invited in online mode as given in the addendum.
3. Circles are requested to give wide publicity for the examination.
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
ln continuation to the Notification dated 09.11.2021 , I am directed to convey that the Competent Authority has accorded approval to relax the minimum eligibility service condition from 8 years to 5 years provisionally subject to concurrence by the concerned Nodal Ministry/Authority and to re-schedule the LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts for the vacancy year 2019, 2020 & 2021 from 18th & 19th December,2021 to 15th & l6th January,2022 as per the revised schedule given below:
2. Accordingly, online window will be re-opened for submitting online applications by the willing and eligible candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria as given in para 3 below. Applicants shall have to apply through http://ccc.cept.gov.in/ipapplication. Applicants are required to take a print out of the filled application forms and to submit to concerned parent office duly signed. For APS candidates, hard copy of the application form duly verified by the authority competent is required to be sent to Circle office.
The schedule of activities for the IPO examination is as under:
Activity Schedule
1. Re-opening of window for submission of online application starts from - 15.12.2021 from 9.00 A.M
2. Last date to apply for online application - 27.12.2021 till 5.30 P.M.
3. Scrutiny by Nodal Officer - 28.12.2021 to 02.01 .2022
4. Correction in application form, if necessary, by candidate to be done between - From 9:00 AM on 03-01.2022 to 5:30 P.M. on 04.0l.2022
5. Admit cards available for downloading by candidates from - 10.01.2022
6. Date of IPO Exam - 15th & 16th January, 2022
3. IPO Exam Eligibility Criteria: - Following additions are made in para 3 of the Notificationdated 09.11.2021. subject to concurrence by the concerned Nodal Ministry/Authority: "All officials who were holding the post in feeder grades, as per the Deportment of Posts (Inspector Posts) Recruitment Rules, 2013 as on the date of notification of Deportment of Posts (Inspector Posts) Recruitment Rules,2019 i.e.05.02.2019 and have completed 5 years of eligible service as on the crucial date of eligibility are allowed to appear in the Inspector post (IPO) examination on provisional basis subject to concurrence by the concerned Nodal Ministry/Authority."
4. Candidates who have already submitted their online applications earlier fulfilling eligibility criteria given at para 3 of the Notification dated 09.11.2021 need not apply again.
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