Inviting options from Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) Officers of Indian Postal Service (IPOS), Group A for their postings on rotational transfer. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Inviting options from Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) Officers of Indian Postal Service (IPOS), Group A for their postings on rotational transfer.

Inviting options from Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) Officers of Indian Postal Service (IPOS), Group A for their postings on rotational transfer.

Kindly refer to OM No. 4-91201I-SPG dated 04.04.2017, 29.03.2012 and 16.01.2017 regarding Transfer Policy for the officers of Indian Postal Service, Group 'A' along with Vigilance Division's note No.4-7/2009'Vig. dated 08.03.2018 wherein sensitive and non-sensitive posts in Department of Posts have been identified along with tenure. 

2. In view of the above, officers mentioned in Annexure-I will be due for rotational transfer during the year 2022 and hence they may be advised to prefer their choice of posting in the prescribed format enclosed at Annexure II. Three different stations should be mentioned. No specific post should be indicated in the option. 

3. Other officers who want to change the place of posting on personal grounds and have not completed the tenure can also submit the request in the format enclosed at Annexure- II with the declaration that they will forgo TA,/TP in case their request is considered. The requests received during the year 2021 will also be submitted to TPC for consideration. 

4. The request may be sent on e-mail at & latest by 31st December, 2021.

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