D.O. No. 28-4/2021-BGT(PA) /613-635 Dated, November 15, 2021
Indiapost deficit for the year 2021-2022 is Rs 17000 Crore.
This is in reference to the discussions held during the Financial Review VC with HOCs held on 09.11.2021. As was shared during the VC, Ministry of Finance has strictly instructed the Department to restrict its overall deficit (revenue & capital) to less than Rs. 17000 crore for 2021-22.
2. Accordingly, your Circle is required to reduce the deficit as per Annexure enclosed. This deficit target should be reduced either by reducing expenditure or by increasing revenue of the Circle. Hence, a detailed Division / PO wise strategy may be devised by your Circle in consultation with GM(F) / DAP immediately and a copy be submitted to Sr. DDG (PAF) within 15 days.