Granting Special Casual Leave in respect of Service Associations | DOP Order Dated 09.12.2021
No. T-17/2/2021-SR-DOP. Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Dated New Delhi Dated: 09/12/2021.
To: All Head of Circles, Department of Posts
Subject: - Granting Special Casual Leave in respect of Service Associations.
Madam/Sir, It has come to the notice of this Directorate that in some cases Special Casual Leaves are not being granted by the Competent Authorities to the Office Bearers of eligible Service Associations for attending Conferences in want of circulation of notice of meeting by Directorate.
2. ln this reference, attention is invited to this Department's instructions no. 54-12/83-SPB-II dated 06.12.1983 (mentioned in the 'Compilation of instructions' circulated vide this Department's letter no. 1 0-1/2004-SR dated 25.06.2004) paragraph no.6 of which states, "Notices issued by the General Secretaries of the Service Associations for All India Conferences working committee or executive committee meeting of the Service Associations are not being circulated by the Department. instead the Circle Secretary concerned should furnish an attested copy of the notice to the Heads of circles and other administrative offices requesting them to issue necessary instructions to the concerned authorities for granting Special Casual Leave to the eligible officials, subject to overall limits.
The competent authority will then sanction Special Casual Leave to eligible officials provisionally on receipt of applications from them. On completion of the conferences/meetings the officials will be required to produce a certificate from the General Secretary to the effect that they had actually attended the conference/ meeting for its full duration. Thereafter, Special Casual Leave granted provisionally will be regularized.
3. All the Circles are requested to comply with the above instructions in letter and spirit.
4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority
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