Fintech Infinity Forum | First Global FinTech event "Infinity Forum" to be held on 3d - 4th December 2021 in virtual mode
First Global FinTech event "Infinity Forum" to be held on 3d - 4th December 202'l in virtual mode.
Government of India has approved the Country's first international Financial Services Centre (IFSC) at GIFT City, Gujarat and has also established the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA), a unified regulatory body to regulate financial products, financial services and financial institutions in IFSCs india.
2 Government of India is promoting GIFT IFSC as a world class FinTech hub. In furtherance of this objective, IFSCA, under the aegis of Government of India and in partnership with GIFT City & Bloomberg is organizing its first global FinTech event 'InFinity Forum' on December 3 and 4, 2021, in virtual mode. The Forum is positioned as an annual global thought leadership platform on Fintech where pressing problems, progressive ideas, innovative technologies from across the world get discovered, discussed and developed into solutions and opportunities. This year the United Kingdom, Indonesia and South Africa have also been invited to participate in the event as partner countries.
3 The Forum shall be inaugurated by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India and will be attended by Heads of State and Finance Ministers from partner countries. The Forum will bring global leaders, policy makers and business leaders on a common platform to discuss and come up with actionable insight into how technology and innovation can be leveraged by the FinTech industry for inclusive growth and serving the humanity at large.
4 This year, the Forum will focus on three key themes i) Finiech beyond boundaries with governments and businesses focusing beyond the geographical. boundaries in the development of global stack to promote financial inclusiveness,
(ii) FinTech beyond Finance by having convergence with emerging areas such as SpaceTech, GreenTech and AgriTech to drive sustainable development, and
(iii) FinTech Beyond Next with focus on how Quantum Computing could impact the nature of Fintech industry in the future and promote new opportunities. Each of the themes extend the realm of FinTech beyond bound keeping in line with the
5 I shall be grateful if you could arrange to give wide publicity to the event and encourage the officers in your Ministry/Department as well as autonomous bodies/organisations under the administrative control of your Ministry/Department to attend the event on 3-4 December, 2021. The link for registration for the event is as under
6. The agenda of the event may kindly
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