DOP MACP Clarification | MACP Scheme Clarification latest Order | DOP MACP Instructions dated 22.12.2021 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DOP MACP Clarification | MACP Scheme Clarification latest Order | DOP MACP Instructions dated 22.12.2021

 No. 4 7/MACPS/2019 PCC

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi — 110001 Date : 22.12.2021

1.   All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General.

2.   CGM, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI  Directorate.

3.    Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of All PTCs

4.   Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, R.K.Puram, New Delhi.

5.    All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP.

Subject: Clarification on assessment of officials by the Screening Committee for grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.


This invites reference to this Directorate OM No. 4 7/(MACPS)/2009 PCC dated 18.09.2009 as amended and clarified from time to time wherein detailed guidelines on Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP)  Scheme have been provided.  

As  per extant instructions/provisions the prescribed bench mark of ACRs/APARs gradings for grant of finaneial upgradation under the MACPS is Very Good’ with effect Tom 25.07.2016 and prior to this, para 17 of Annexure I to the  OM  dated  18.09.2009  regulates  the  same.  The  Scheme  provides  for  a Screening Committee for assessment of entries and gradings in ACBs/APARs with reference to prescribed bench mark for MACPS purpose.

2.   Various references from service associations, individuals and administrative units were received seeking modalities / procedure for determining eligibility for grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme in the context of assessment of the prescribed bench mark of AGRs/APARs gradings. It has also been requested to allow the employees who had been awarded ’Good’ or below gradings for the reporting year 2016 17, to represent against these gradings by relaxing of APAR rules.

3.   The matter was examined in consultation with nodal Department.  The

DoP&T vide ID Note No.1462793/21/CR dated 26.11.2021 has observed that:-

i.  No separate instructions have been issued for assessment of officials by the Screening Committee for grant of financial upgradation under MAGP Scheme as per DoP&Ps  OM No.35034/3/2008 Estt.(D) dated  19.05.2009 and the procedure,  as adopted by Departmental Promotion  Committee (DPC) in promotion matters, are to be observed by the Screening Committee.

ii.  General instructions regarding applicability  of benchmark of APARs for the purpose  of determining  eligibility  for  grant  of financial  upgradation  under MACP  Scheme,  have  been  issued  by  DoP&T  from  time  to  time  and  are available in public domain.  These may be followed  in regulating  individual caes for grant of MACP.

4.   In terms of the above following office memorandum mentioned observations of DOP&T, references of the of the  nodal department are invited to meet the procedural aspect to be adopted by the Screening Committee while assessing eligibility for MACPS purpose

i. The DoP&T OM No.22011/5/86 Estt.(D) dated 10t* April, 1989 as modified from time to (DPCS) time wherein guidelines on Departmental Promotion Committees have  been  provided.  There  guidelines  inter-alia  provides  that

ii. in Departmental Promotion Committees enjoy full discretion to devise their own methods and  procedures  for objective assessment of the  suitability of the candidates  who are to be considered by them. It has also been prescribed that in the case of each officer, an overall grading should be given and the grading shall be one among 

Outstanding / Very Good / Good etc. These guidelines further provide that "the DPC should not be guided merely by the  overall grading, if any, that may be recorded in the AGRs (now APARs) but should alao make its own assessment on the basis of entries in the CRe (now APARS) because it has been noticed that sometimes the overall grading in a ACR (nowAPAR) may be inconsistent with the grades under various parameters or attributes". The recommendations of the DPC are advisory in nature. The DOP&T OM No.22011/5/2013 Estt.(D) dated  the May, 2014 reiterates that in discharge of its statutory functions the respective DPCs are required to determine the merits of these being considered with reference to the prescribed bench-mark, by making its own assessment on the basis of the entries and gradings contained in the APARs and other relevant material facts placed before it, and accordingly grade the officers aa ‘fit’ or ’unfit’.

The DoP&T OM No. 22011/7/98 Estt(D) dated 06.10.2000 stipulates that the DPC should assess the suitability of the employees for promotion on the basis of their service records and with particular reference to the ACRs/APARs for five preceding years which became available.

iv. The guidelines on vigilance clearance for MACPS regulate as per the provisions contained in the DoP&T OM No. 22034/4/2012 -Estt. (D) dated 02.11.2012 as amended  from  time  to  time.  The  role  of  the  Departmental  Promotion Committee  (DPC)  on  treatment  of  effect  of  penalties  stands,  inter  alia, described  vide  DoP&T  OM  No.22011/4/2007-Estt. (D)  dated  28.04.2014  as modified from time to time.

5.    Further, since in view of the  above clarification there might be a need of objective re-assessment of suitability by the  Screening Committee in respect of those employees who were not considered fit for grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme, the competent authority has also directed to review all such cases in the light of these observations of DoP&T.

6.    It  is therefore,  requested to bring this clarification to the notice of all concerned immediately and ensure strict adherence in true letter and spirit.

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