Cost Consultant Recruitment Notification in DOP | Apply for Cost Consultants Job in Post Office | Cost Account Consultants Posts in Indiapost 2022
No:- 05/32/2021-Tariff and Costing Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Tariff & Costing Section Dak Bhawan, New Delhi –110001
Subject: Engagement of Cost Accountant as consultants in Department of Posts, Tariff & Costing Section, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
Department of Posts, Tariff & Costing (T&C) Section, Dak Bhawan invites applications as per Annexure-I from Cost Accountants purely on temporary basis under the following terms & conditions for engagement.
QUALIFICATION: Cost Accountant (CMA) in terms of the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 (23 of 1959).
B. AGE LIMITS: Between 30 to 45 years as on 01/10/2021.
C. EXPERIENCE: Minimum of five years of experience is essential. Experience of working in and having considerable experience of functioning of Govt Department/PSU will be given preference. He/ She should have effective communication and interpersonal skills with a strong flair for in-depth examination relating to policy matters/ finance or any other requisite field. Keeping in view the nature of work and its exigency, the candidate should be preferably from Delhi/NCR.
(a) End to end solution for implementation of marginal costing in Department of Posts.
(b) Calculation of marginal costing & flexi pricing for parcel products in Department of Posts.
(c) Analyse the existing methods for annual costing exercise, clerical costing and Productivity linked bonus in the department and guide in the process of revision of their methodologies.
(d) Consultancy in implementation of ABC Costing Module
(e) Costing of individual products/services of DoP as and when required
(f) Any other work entrusted by the Department.
E. PERIOD OF ENGAGEMENT: The initial engagement of a person as consultant shall be 6 months. After expiry of initial term, engagement may be extended, based on requirement of the division and performance of the consultant concerned as certified by the competent authority for a maximum period of further six months and not more than two terms including initial engagement. Period of engagement will be counted from the date of joining the assignment in T&C Section of DoP, Dak Bhawan.
F. PROCESS OF SELECTION/How to Apply: Candidates may send the duly filled application form as per Annexure-I to the email id by 5:30 pm, 03/01/2021, Application received through any other mode will not be accepted.
1. The applications received shall be placed before a Primary Screening Committee of DoP* which may recommend candidates that is 20 times the number of Vacancy. The selection criteria will be on the basis of Educational Qualification, Professional Qualification work experience, Age etc.
2. A Secondary Screening and Interview** will be done by the Consultant Evaluation Committee (CEC)* of DoP.
3. A merit list of 10 times the number of vacancies will be prepared and accordingly, the Cost Accountant will be selected from the top of the list.
4. Any candidate who fails to join in the time allowed to him/her will be terminated from the list and the candidate of next serial number from the merit list will be selected for the service. *The Primary Screening Committee & CEC may include an outside expert i.e. from The Institute of Cost Accountants of India or others on case to case basis. **Candidates would be required to furnish original documents for verification at the time of selection process/interview. In absence of original documents and if any of the information furnished in application is found to be false at any stage candidature would be cancelled. ***The Department reserves right to reject any application without assigning any reason for it.
Date of Opening of Application 22nd December, 2021
Date of Closing of Application 03rd January, 2022 (5:30 PM)
H. REMUNERATION: Period of Engagement Designation Remuneration 6 months Consultant (Cost) Rs. 55,000/- per month Consultants shall not be entitled to any kind of allowance or accommodation facility e.g. Dearness Allowance, Transport Facility, Residential Accommodation, Personal staff, CGHS and Medical Reimbursement etc. The remuneration will be paid in monthly basis after certification from ADG (T&C), Dak Bhawan for the successful & satisfactory completion of the assigned work for that period. The pro-rata remuneration will be paid in case of absence (more than assigned CL) from duty in a particular period of the month or in the case of termination or resignation month.
I. LEAVES: Casual Leave (CL)-12 days per year on pro-rata basis for the completed period of 6 months will be granted to the consultant. No other leaves like Earned Leave (EL), HPL etc. are allowed.
J. TERMINATION: The Department reserves the right to terminate the Consultant’s engagement at any stage in the event of a serious failure to perform the assigned task or failure to observe any standards of conduct. Termination will be by giving 15 days’ notice or pay in lieu thereof. * If the consultant wishes to resign, he will have to give one month (30 days) advance notice before resigning from the engagement.
K. TA/DA: Consultant may be required to travel to any place in India as and when required in connection with the work of the Department. While on work related tour, TA/DA will be admissible as to Assistant Accounts Officers of the Central Government. L. CONTRACTUAL APPOINTMENT: The appointment of consultants is of purely temporary (non- official) nature against the specific jobs prescribed. This contractual appointment does not confer any right to claim any permanent employment in Department of Posts.
M. WORKING HOURS: Normal working hours would be Monday to Friday as per stipulated office hours except designated holidays by Government of India. However, in case of work exigencies, the Consultants may be asked to attend office on Saturdays, Sundays and designated holidays by controlling officer without any additional remuneration and allowances/compensation.
N. TAX DEDUCTION AT SOURCE: Remuneration to Consultant will be paid as professional services and Income Tax or any other tax liable to be deducted, as per the prevailing rules, will be deducted at source before effecting the payment, for which the DoP will issue TDS Certificates as applicable.
O. CONFIDENTIALITY: Consultant may not, except with the prior approval of competent authority in writing, in the bona-fide discharge of duties, publish a book or research paper or a compilation of articles or participate in a radio/TV broadcast or contribute an article or anonymously or pseudonymous in the name of any other person, if such book, article, broadcast, uses any information that he/she may gather as part of this assignment. During the period of engagement with DoP, the Consultant would be subject to the provisions of the Indian Official Secret Act, 1923 and will not divulge any information gathered by his/her during the period of his/her engagement to anyone who is not authorized to know. The Consultant engaged by DoP shall in no case represent or give opinion or advice to others in any matter which is contrary to the stated position of Government of India. Any violation may lead to discontinuation of engagement.
P. DISPUTE: In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Department of Posts (DoP) shall be final. Applicants are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement. Any dispute in regard to any matter referred to herein shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi Courts only.
Q. CONTACTS: In case of any query applicants may contact ADG (T&C), Room No- 108(C), 1 st floor, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Mob No- 7042583093 email Id-
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