Bhagyalakshmi-SSA | After-sale Service for Bhagyalakshmi - Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme (SSA) | India Post to handle Karnataka Government Bhagyalakshmi Yojana
After-sale Service for Bhagyalakshmi - Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme. Ref: This office letter of even number dated 02-09-2021
This is in continuation to this office letter cited. It is requested to take action as per the SOP circulated vide said letter. In order to facilitate the Department of Women & Child Development, Government of Karnataka authorities an FAQ has been provided in on Bhagyalakshmi - SSA Scheme. (User Id 01-001 & Pwd:)
For Downloading Bhagyalakshmi-SSA Related Queries :
A copy the same is endowed for ready reference. The contact details of each Superintendent / Senior Superintendent of Post Offices in Karnataka and DWCD authorities in each district is made available in the website. It is requested to extend all the support to DWCD a well-as individual beneficiaries. Wherever necessary and requested, an educative session can be held to educate the DWCD authorities on the Bhagyalakshmi-SSA Scheme.
Suitable instructions are given below for information and necessary action at your end. All the Divisional heads / Sub-Divisional Heads / Post Offices may please be informed of the same.
a) Accepting subsequent deposit into Bhaqyalakshmi-SSA accounts - As per the provisions in core banking solutions through finade, deposits into the Bhagyalakshmi-SSA can be accepted at any departmental Head Post Office / Sub-Post Offices as per”the provisions in SB Order 09/2018 dated 17.07.2018 and Rule 26 of POSB general rules 1981. However, since the same facility is not
available in RICT device, subsequent deposits by the depositor can not be accepted at Branch Post Offices.
b) Opening of POSA linked IPPB accounts in favor of the Bhagyalakshmi-SSA accounts holders (guardian) for depositing subsequent deposits (individual) through online: The list of Bhagyalakshmi-SSA has been shared to the concerned Divisions District wise / Taluk wise. It is requested to encourage the post offices to open POSA linked IPPB accounts for Bhagyalakshmi-SSA beneficiaries i.e., in the name of the guardian in these accounts so as to facilitate online subsequent deposit into these accounts individually by them subject to the maximum limit for deposit in a financial year.
c) Following after sale service i/r/o of bhagyalakshmi-SSA will be carried out at Bengalore GPO. FAQ contains the procedure for each service and how they are to be availed. It requested to go througaccordingly. The request for after sale service by the beneficiary girl child needs to be sent through the concerned Deputy Director, DWCD of the District.
Issue of duplicate passbook in case of damaged / lost pass book.
Changes in:
i. Name of the child / guardian.
ii. Date of birth of child / guardian.
iii. Address of the guardian.
iv. Nomination.
v. Change of guardian under various circumstances.
vi. First page entries missing.
Statement of claim cases in case of death of the girl child who is Bhagyalakshmi-SSA beneficiary.
d) Whenever Bhagyalakshmi-SSA pass book is received for either subsequent deposit or for making pass book entries of transactions through pass books :-
Please confirm that there is no other SSA account in the name of the girl child either at any post office / nationalised bank.
If there is more than one SSA account including Bhagyalakshmi SSA account in tr›e name of the girl child (Bhagyalakshmi beneficiary), the one opened first will be treated as regular SSA
account and the second one will be treated as account opened in contravention of rules and be dosed
as per the provision of Rule 3(2) of SSA scheme Rules 2019 read Rule-25(1) of POSB
(CBS) Manual. Concerned depositor may guided properly-refering to WFAO provided.Pass book entries may be done using the PB printer only and updated pass book may be returned to the concerned depositor.
The facility of online deposit through POSA linked IPPB account may be explained to the
depositor and promoted to utilise the same for subsequent deposits.
e) Closure of SSA opened in contravention of Rules:
[Rule No. 3(2) of SSA Scheme Rules 2019 read with Rule 25(1) of POSB (CBS) Manual]
Ask the depositor to produce both SSA pass books and compare the
date of opening.If the SSA account opened individually in the name of the girl child (Bhagyalakshmi beneficiary) is the first one, then it will be treated as regular account and the other one
i.e., Bhagyalakshmi-SSA opened thereafter will be treated as account opened in contravention of Rules. In such a scenario, please guide the depositor for: -
i. Closure of Bhagyalakshmi-SSA by applying for the same to Chief PO9tmaster, Bengaluru GPO through concerned Deputy
Director DWCD authority of the District. A format of application is given in FAQ.
ii. SSA (individual account) needs to be transferred to Bengaluru
GPO to facilitate subsequent deposit ot Rz.3000/- per year by OWCD Govt. of Karnataka. The service charges for transfer of account @ Rs.100/- with 18% GST [i.e., Rs.118/-] may be
accepted and a receipt be given to the depositor to submit the application for transfer of the said account to Chief Postmaster, Bengaluru GPO through Deputy Director of DWCD of the concerned district.
If the Bhagyalakshmi-SSA account opened in the name of the girl child is the first one and the other account is opened in her name individually, then Bhagyalakshmi-SSA will continue as regular account and the individual SSA account opened later will be treated as account opened in contravention of Rules.
In such a scenario, please guide the depositor to: -
i. Submit application to the Postmaster of the office where the later SSA account has been opened
in the name of the girl child. The Bj9]0tiCdtiOff pfDvid9tt irr FAQ may please be use‹t.
ii. Postmaster of that office will accept the applications with its endosures and after cordirming the SSA account as opened in contravention of Rules, take action to close
the account accordingly.
iii. If the depeeitor requests for depositing the amount of cloaura proceeds into the
regular Bhagyalakshmi -SSA, the amount may be got credited to that account.
f} Collection of duly filled in applications along with its endosure (hard copy) horn Deputy Director of DWCD of the district.
Duly filled in applications along with its' endosure may be got collected from the concerned Deputy Director of DWCD as per the SOP dated 02-09-2021. The same may be sent by service to
Chief Postmaster, Bengaluru GPO after retaining one copy of the letter from Deputy
Director as office copy.
These instructions may please be brought to the notice of all the concerned for information and
necessary action at their end.
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