Amendments in National (Small) Savings Schemes rules - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Amendments in National (Small) Savings Schemes rules

 F. No. FS-13/3/2020-FS

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

(Financial Services Division)

Dak Bhawan,

New Delhi-110001

Dated: - 10/12/2021


All Head of Circles

Subject:- Regarding various suggestion being received from the Circles in respect of amendments in National (Small) Savings Schemes rules.


This office is receiving various proposals/suggestions from the Circle in connection with amendments in various National (Small) Savings Schemes rules. This office has taken up many proposals with the Nodal Ministry (DEA/MOF) for approval.

2. After examination of such proposals, the Nodal Ministry has not agreed with the following proposals.

Details of the proposal sent to DEA/MOF |

1. Auto credit of maturity value into account holder's savings account. |

2. Online deposit of RD schedule of MPKBY agents through IPPB account

3. Introduction of ESCROW account facility for MPKBY/SAS Agents.

4. Allowing investment through withdrawal form (SB-7) under SAS agency system.

5. Discontinuation of Authorized Receipt Book (AAR) Book

6. Enhancement of investment limit in SCSS account

7. Enhancement of investment limit in MIS account

8. Acceptance of Aadhaar and other documents as proof of birth for opening

of Sukanya Samriddhi Account

3. Circle may dispose off any suggestion/proposal related to above subject matters at circle level itself.

4. Further if any new proposal involving amendments in the National (Small) Savings Schemes rules should have detail justification and recommendation of the Head of the Circle.

5. This is issued with the approval of Competent Authority.

Yours Sincerely,

(Devendra Sharma)

Assistant Director (SB-I1)

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