SSC CHSL for PA/SA | Seeking Preference of Postal Circles from candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission(SSC), on the basis of CHSLE-2018 for appointment as Postal Assistant (PA) / Sorting Assistant (SA) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SSC CHSL for PA/SA | Seeking Preference of Postal Circles from candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission(SSC), on the basis of CHSLE-2018 for appointment as Postal Assistant (PA) / Sorting Assistant (SA)

Seeking Preference of Postal Circles from candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission, on the basis of CHSLE-2018 for appointment as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant. Dated 18th November 2021

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has published the results of Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (CHSLE), 2018 on 30.09.2021 recommending candidates for appointment as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant in Department of Posts in Level-4 of the Pay Matrix. 

List of selected candidates compiled from the results published by SSC in its official website is at Annexure-I. 

2. Candidates are requested to bring the discrepancies, if any, found in the list to the notice of Department of Posts by email to The subject of such e-mail shall read as 'Discrepancy' and details of discrepancies are to be recorded in the body of the e-mail. In no case, discrepancy and option shall be sent in the same e-mail. 

3. A candidate will be allocated to one of the 23 Postal Circles, for appointment as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant, list of which is at Annexure-II. Thereafter, the respective Postal Circle, where a candidate is allocated, will take action for completion of other procedural requirements leading to issue of offer of appointment. Allocation of Postal Circle will be made as per the following criteria:- (a) A candidate shall be allocated to a Postal Circle on the basis of her/tris merit (rank), order of preference (option), and vacancy available at her,/his tum in the category she,/he has been selected. [Note: A candidate belonging to OBC/SC/ST/EWS category selected under unreserved category shall be allocated Postal Circle in the order of preference where unreserved vacancy is available at his /her turn

(b) Person with disability (PWD) candidates irrespective of their ranks will be allocated Postal Circle first followed by Ex-serviceman candidates. 

(c) After allocation of Circles to PWD candidates and Ex-serviceman candidates, remaining candidates will be allocated Postal Circles in the manner mentioned in (a) above. 

(d) Candidates who do not submit his/ her preference/option form shall be allocated Postal Circle after completing the allocation of other candidates, whose preference has been received. These candidates, in order of merit, shall be allocated against the remaining vacancies available in alphabetical order of Circles on rotational basis i.e. first a candidate placed higher in the merit list will be allocated to Circle first in alphabetical order where vacancy is available in their respective category. Subsequently, the next candidate in merit list will be allocated to Circle next in alphabetical order and so on.

4. The Postal Circle-wise and category-wise vacancies are enclosed at Annexure-III for information. The candidates must give their order of preference for all the 23 Postal Circles. 

5. Since the official communication has not been received from SSC about the status of individual candidature, the entire procedure will be based upon the assumption that nomination will be confirmed by SSC soon. In case, result / candidature is not confirmed by SSC they will have no claim over joining as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant in Department of Posts. 

7. Order of preference received after 06.12.2021 will be taken into consideration only at the sole discretion of the Department of Posts.

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