Postal Inspection Quarters | Rules regarding Occupation of Inspection Quarters/Inspection Rooms in the Department of Posts (DOP)
BLDG-16/6/2021-Building-DOP Government of India Department of Posts Dated: 24.11.2021
Subject: Rules regarding Occupation of Inspection Quarters/Inspection Rooms in the Department of Posts.
I am directed to say that as per the departmental guidelines as contained in Postal Manual Volume II, Appendix No. 11 and revised vide this office letter no. 6-5/2009-Bldg dated 27.08.2012:
(a) No HRA is permissible to officers/officials on transfer during their stay in the Inspection Quarters/Rooms. The period for this purpose is to be counted from the date of joining duty in the case of officers/officials on transfer at the new stations and for others from the date of their first arrival at the station.
(b) Long term stay of officers in Inspection Quarters/Inspection Rooms may be permitted when at least 2 suites excluding the suite occupied by the officers on long term basis are available in the Inspection Quarters/Rooms for the use of touring officers
2. It has come to the notice of the Directorate that some officers have been occupying the Inspection Quarters/ Inspection Rooms for a long period without deduction of HRA.
3. The above instructions are reiterated and all Circle Heads are requested to ensure that the same are followed scrupulously in letter and spirit.
4. This issues with the approval of competent Authority.
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