Post Office ATM Card Charges | Introduction of various charges on DOP ATM cards w.e.f. 01.10.2021
Introduction of various charges on DOP ATM cards w.e.f. 01.10.2021
This is in continuation of this off ice letter of even number dated 15.09.2021 (copy enclosed) issued on the above mentioned subject.
2. ln this context, it is to intimate that this office is receiving queries from Circles/National ATM Unit as to whether the applicable charges are to be collected manually or automatically from the customer.
3. ln this context, the undersigned would like to intimate that the matter of configuring the changes in CBS software for automatic collection of ATM charges has already been taken up with the FSI vendor, however the same has not been implemented as of now. ln wake of this scenario, the Circles are requested to collect the ATM/Debit card replacement and duplicate/re-generation of PIN through branch charges manually from the customers at the rates mentioned in the letter dated 15.O9.2021 and credit in the govt. account on the same day without fail. This process will be continued till further orders in this regard
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