PMA (Postman Mobile Application) | Increasing delivery / attempted delivery scans of accountable articles through Postman Mobile Application (PMA)
This is regarding increasing delivery / attempted delivery scans of accountable
ln this regard, letter no. 20-112017-D dated 25.10.2021 may kindly be referred to wherein following objectives were laid down:
(i) Capturing 100% delivery attempt scan (Delivered & Undelivered) by postman at
HO/SO/BO of all accountable articles.
(ii) All registered devices are utilized on all days.
(iii) All Delivery offices are supplied/provisioned for PMA device.
(iv) Assessing the performance of a particular beat / all the beats of any office
(HO/SO/BO) on a particular day.
Reports related to the objectives as above are available on the PMA Dashboard to
facilitate monitoring of the PMA performance of Post offices.
2. Your attention is also drawn to letter no. 30-5/2021-D dated 09.11 .2021 wherein
it is mentioned that effective from 01st December 2021 senders/addressees will get
SMS of delivery/ attempted delivery scans performed by the delivery staff, on a real
time basis.
3. ln view of the above, it is incumbent upon DoP to ensure that delivery I
attempted delivery scans are performed at the door steps of the addressees otherwise
false alerts would go to senders/addressees.
4. I, therefore request you to launch an intensive drive in your circle till 30th Nov.
2021 so that delivery staff can be sensitized for performing delivery scans at the doorsteps of the addressees. During the drive, offices yet to be registered under PMA
should be enabled to perform work on PMA. Device utilization both in departmental
and branch post offices should be increased upto the optimum level.
PMA is a very effective tool to monitor correct delivery
performance of Post offices, which in turn will enhance the confidence of the customer
in efficacy of the delivery system of DoP.
Let us all try our best to make it a success
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