Physical verification of Indian Navy Pensioners Digital Life Certificate (DLC) data | IPPB
Physical verification of Indian Navy Pensioners Digital Life Certificate (DLC) data.
I am directed to inform that, a proposal has been accepted from Indian Navy regarding verification of their pensioners through existing service of Digital Life Certificate under IPPB.
There are about 60,000 pensioners of Indian Navy out of which 10% pensioners are in Maharashtra Circle and remaining 90% are spread all over India. First lot of 12,484 pensioners are successfully uploaded in the portal under sub category Digital Life Certificate (Navy).
The remaining data will be submitted shortly by Navy. Navy has requested to complete the entire verification process of all pensioners by 31.12.2021.
It is therefore requested to kindly arrange to instruct concerned Regions / Divisions to provide doorstep service and generate Digital Life Certificate (DLC) of these pensioners. The existing charges of Rs. 70/- may be taken upfront from the customer.
A weekly report may kindly be shared with this office through eMail on
This has been approved by Competent authority.
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