Non observing DP and DR ratio in IP vacancies - discrimination in IP examination - case of Delhi circle
National Association of Postal Employees Group-C
(Central Head Quarters)
No. 17-2-17, P&T Quarters, Atual Grove Road, New Delhi - 110001
Phone : 011-23350103, email:
No. 1-1/Delhi Circle/IP vacancies/21-22
dated 25-11-2021
Sri Alok Sharma,
Director General of Posts,
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi 110001.
Respected Sir,
Sub: - Non observing DP and DR ratio in IP vacancies - discrimination in IP examination - case of Delhi circle - Reg.
This is regarding discrimination and depriving of chances to appear IP examination for the Postal Assistant aspirants from Delhi Circle.
As the Delhi is capital of country and being a metropolitan city many of the IP's are applying for rules 38 transfer to Delhi Circle from other circles. Especially IPs recruited thorough SSC under 33.33% belongs to North India working in South and also other IPs on spouse family grounds applying rule 38 transfer to Delhi Circle.
Even IPs recruited under DR quota(33.33) also being accommodating in the vacancy of DP quota(66.66) and category wise break up has not been observing by the Delhi Circle while IP recruitment process. The same was happening in remaining circles and year Which resulted discrimination and PAs are depriving their chance to get promotion to IP cadre. At the time of notifying vacancies for IP cadre 66.66% has been observed for that year due non observation DP DR break up.
In this connection my union wishes intervention of Hon'ble DG Posts in the above issue and requested to instruct the CPMG Delhi Circle to put restrictions on Rule 38 in IP cadre to safe guard the rights of PAs working in Delhi circle in the light of natural justice.
It is also requested to instruct all circle heads to observe DP and DR ratio separately otherwise DR candidates may recruit in excess than actual entitled
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Copy to: The Member (Personal), Dak Bhavan, New Delhi for information and with a request to
take immediate steps
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