General Instructions to SPMs | General Instructions to Postmasters to avoid SBCO OMs in Post Offices - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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General Instructions to SPMs | General Instructions to Postmasters to avoid SBCO OMs in Post Offices

General instructions to SPMs – reg. The below general instructions may be given to all SPM’s to avoid unnecessary increase in SBCO OMs. While performing voucher checking at SBCO, many irregularities are noticed which leads to raise OMs. Hence to avoid unnecessary increase in number of OMs and also to save time, the below general instructions are requested to be followed by the SPMs positively. 

1. Name stamp not present in the vouchers sent to SBCO. SPMs are requested to instruct your MTS to affix name stamp on the vouchers being kept in the counter for public. 

2. No. of vouchers sent may be written in both BO & SO Consolidation before forwarding the same. 

3. Original SB-3 card / AOF should be attached with closure vouchers.(SB - 7A) . As per SB order 19/2021 and DO lr. No. dt 26.07.2021, SOs have been instructed not to attach revised AOF. Necessary certificate "Original AOF is not traceable after making all efforts" may be given along with KYC of the depositor with SPM attestation. 

 4. As per SB order 9/2018 no separate A/c closure form is required to be taken and receipt of the amount should be taken in the claim form itself at the time of payment which will be treated as a/c closure voucher. SB-3 card / AOF should be attached with claim form along with copy of death certificate and KYC of the nominee or legal heir. 

5. As per SB order 26/2020 Para 139 sub para(5) Note 7 “No commission will be paid on the investments received through agents where Agent Receipt book number issued to the customer is not noted on the pay-in-slip and copy of the Agent Receipt Book is not presented along with investment for signature and date stamping by the counter PA”. All such investments will be treated as direct investments. Hence SPMs are instructed to guide Counter PA accordingly. 

6. Withdrawal allowed in respect of illiterate account, the certificate is to be produced on both side duly attested by witness with complete address, not below the rank of postman. 

7. Avoid using white papers for pay –in-slip (SB-103). From To Supervisor, SBCO, The Postmaster / Sub Postmaster , 

8. While doing voucher checking it is seen that BPMs are in the habit of preparing all the deposit vouchers accepted using device which is highly irregular. Pay-in-slips(SB103) duly prepared and signed by the depositors should be attached with the voucher bundle sent to SBCO. 

9. SPMs are instructed to maintain separate register for deleted transaction entries in Finacle and copy of the same may be forwarded along with the vouchers. 

10.SPM s are instructed to check unverified transactions on daily basis using HAFI menu before giving EOD to avoid unnecessary increase in OM s. 

11.In respect of post offices where GL integration is completed manual postings for Finacle related figures should not be made in SAP. In case of any such manual entry, appropriate sanction/order should be enclosed and forwarded to SBCO along with vouchers. 

12.In r/o all closures, Counter PA has to check whether any interest available in sundry a/c before closing the a/c. If any such interest available in Sundry the same may be paid to the depositor. 

 13.In r/o TD PMC as per SB order 7/2020 completed year TD rate of interest less 2% for completed years and SB interest for completed months should be given. But, in Finacle interest calculated (completed year TD rate of interest less 2%) for completed months also which results in excess payment. Hence, Counter PA should check the correctness of interest before payment in case of TD PMC. 

14.As per Gazette Notification 12/2019, Provided that if a five year Time Deposit account is closed after four years from the date of deposit rate admissible for three-year Time Deposit account shall be applicable for calculation of interest. But, in Finacle TD interest calculation for 5 year TD A/Cs closed after completion of 4 years also done as per regular PMC which results in short payment. Hence, Counter PA should check the correctness of interest before payment in case of 5 TD PMC closed after 4 years. 

15.While performing SCSS PMC reason code should be correctly chosen before closure. AB2 for > 2 years and BT1 for Between 1 and 2 years. Without selecting this if you proceed for closure it results in excess payment. Finacle will not deduct discount and it will be treated as normal closure. The above step may be followed to avoid excess payment of interest. 

16.In r/o RD Category Only for Full maturity of RD the loan a/c should be closed and then RD a/c should be closed. For PMC Loan A/c should not be closed. In case of PMC we are giving only SB interest. Hence, for RD PMC loan a/c should not be closed. Proceed for closure directly finacle will adjust automatically and it will give correct interest for PMC. The above step may be followed to avoid short payment of interest.

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