GDS Rule 10 | Implementation of the recommendation of GDS Committee for restricting the number of cases under Rule 10 and other disciplinary cases - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDS Rule 10 | Implementation of the recommendation of GDS Committee for restricting the number of cases under Rule 10 and other disciplinary cases

Implementation of the recommendation of GDS Committee for restricting the number of cases under Rule 10 and other disciplinary cases. 

No.17-31/2016-GDS.  Government of India.  Ministry of Communications.  Department of Posts (GDS Section) Dated 15.11.2021

 The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Posts Office Memorandum of even number dated 16.09.2019 read with OM of even No. dated 09.04.2021 on the above noted subject. 

2. The Competent Authority has modified para-2 (xii) of the OM dated 16;09.2019 and substituted as follows:- (.xii). Following will be the eligibility conditions for appearing the Central Government Serving / Retired Servants as ·Defense Assistant in the · Inquiries under Rule-10 of GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules:- ·

(a). He/She should be willing to appear as Defense Assistant. 

(b). He/She should be well versed in BO Rules and GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules. 

(c). He/She should not be a legal practitioner and should not have in any manner, been associated with the case at any stage in his official capacity, and fulfills the prescribed ceiling.  

3. The rest of instructions issued vide Department of Posts O.M. of even . number dated 16.09.2019 read with OM of even No. dated 09.04.2021 shall remain unchanged. 

The above instructions will come into effect from the date of issuance of this O.M. 4. Hindi version will follow.

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