FRMU Alerts | Upgradation of FRMU Web Application | FRMU (Fraud Risk Management Unit) Portal - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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FRMU Alerts | Upgradation of FRMU Web Application | FRMU (Fraud Risk Management Unit) Portal

Regarding upgradation of FRMU Web Application. FRMU has upgraded the existing Web Application and hosted the new application on 29.10.2021. The login access has been provided up to the level of HO Postmasters & Sub Divisional Heads. 

Earlier the facility for logging into FRMU portal is limited to Circles, Regions and Divisions. In the old procedure, Divisions were downloading the alerts in excel and Sending to HO Postmaster Sub-divisional Head for verification. After getting the verification report  alerts are being closed by Divisions.

After this launch of new FRMU Portal ( upgradation), Divisions are continue to receive the alerts on daily basis, but, instead of downloading the alerts and sending for verification through excel, Divisions are able to assign the alerts to HO/SDH in the application itself. 

 1. The key benefits of new FRMU web portal are furnished below 

a. Monitoring of alerts will be easier for Divisions. 

 b. It is more users friendly. 

c. HOs/SDHs will be able directly able to verily alerts and submit their response online. 

d. Detection of fraud will be faster and time saving as it goes till HO/SDH level. e. With this facility, the user base of FRMU web application has been increased to around 3,400 users approximately including Circles (23), Regions (60), Divisions (467), HOs (830) and Sub Divisions (around 2,000 approximately). 

The SOPs and User Manuals are provided in the Web Portal for easy reference. 

The application has been made mobile friendly and now accessible from mobile devices also. 

 2. Proposed Future Developments: 

a. Data requests Providing facility for raising the Data Requests with respect to Investigation of Fraud Cases in the FRMU web portal. Presently, the Data Requests are being raised in the Data Request Template by concerned Divisions/Regions/Circles through mail to FRMU for processing the request. 

The process of raising Data Requests will also be brought within the FRMU Web Portal. 

 b. Fraud Report Template- A web page will be developed to report a fraud to FRMU. The primary purpose of this feature is to have repository of frauds and to use the data to optimize the scenarios and alerts. The functionality to upload the relevant Preliminary report/DLI/RLI/CLI will be provided in the FRMU Portal. 

On submitting the data request a unique number will be generated as "Data Request ID " for further processing and tracking of Data Request. The obtained data request will be processed by respective CEPT teams.

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