DOP Franchise Scheme Amendment | Amendment in Franchise System for DOP/India Post | Postal Franchise Scheme
Amendment in Franchise system for DoP
40-G12021-Plg Government of India Ministry of Communications &IT Department of Posts
(Planning Division)Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001 Dated: 12th November 2021
The following amendments are hereby ordered in the existing Franchise scheme to facilitate the booking of parcel products.
Clause 2.3 (ii) of the Franchise Scheme document is amended to read it as
"Booking registered articles including registered parcels, speed post articles including speed post parcels, money orders, e-post, etc. Bulk booking of registered/speed post articles including registered parcels/speed post parcels is allowed without any limit."
2. ln addition to the existing 6 Services, the new 7th service is added in the Schedule of Commission in the Franchise Scheme document as addendum to include provision for commission in respect of Registered Parcel and Speed Post Parcel as follows:
Monthly Business (from
Registered Parcel and Speed Post
Parcel, separately)Commission on monthly
business Regd. Parcel Speed Post Parcel
Up to Rs 5,00,000/- 10% 7%
Rs 5,00,0011 to 25,00,000 15% 10%
Rs 25,00,00'l/- to 100,00,000/- 20% 13%
Rs 100,00,001/- to 500,00,0001 25% 16%
Above Rs 500,00,000/- 30% 20%
(3) Mandatory justification on distance norms in Clause 2.4 of the Franchise Scheme document is deleted.
(4) References to 'territory' stands omitted from the Franchise Scheme document
Thus, "territory" deleted from Clauses/ Provisions including but not limited to
(i) Clause 3.4(vi): Criteria for selection of Postal Agents (Premises)
(ii) Clause 3.4(xii) (Postal Agents shall not.. )
(iii) Clause (7) of the Preamble to the Memorandum of Agreement (Annex II) (DoP is entering into this agreement...)
(iv) Clause (1)(a) (Rights granted) of the Memorandum of Agreement (Annex II)
(v) Clause 4 (Rights granted) of the Memorandum of Agreement (Annex II)
(vi) Clause 4(2) (Franchiser's continuing obligations) of the Memorandum of Agreement (Annex II)
(vii) Clause 5(4) (Franchisee's obligations) of the Memorandum of Agreement (Annex II)
(vii) Clause 5(14) (Franchisee's obligations) of the Memorandum of Agreement (Annex II)
3. A fresh copy of franchisee Scheme that will take effect from 12th November 2021 , is enclosed for the purpose. These orders to be implemented from the date of issue of this order
4. The instructions may be circulated to all concerned (including Franchise Outlets).
5. This has the approval of DG (Postal Services)
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