Dis-continuing the disbursal of social security pension (SSP) through eMO mode and start disbursement of payment of pension to these pensioners by direct benefit transfer (DBT) into their Bank account. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Dis-continuing the disbursal of social security pension (SSP) through eMO mode and start disbursement of payment of pension to these pensioners by direct benefit transfer (DBT) into their Bank account.

Dis-continuing the disbursal of social security pension through eMO mode and start disbursement  of payment of pension. to these pensioners by direct benefit transfer into their Bank account.

Director of Postal Services (HQ) Karnataka Circle, Palace Road, Bengaluru - 560 001.

DO No. FS/2-33/SSP/2021/XII Dated :  3ⁿᵈ November, 2021.

Respected Sir,

Director of Social Security Pensions, State Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru has informed  that they would be dis-continuing the disbursal of social security pension through eMO mode and start disbursement  of payment of pension. to these pensioners by direct benefit transfer into their Bank account.  The target date has been fixed for the same is 30-11-2021.    A copy of DO letter  No.RD 602 DSP 2021 dated 30-10-2021 received  from Sri. Sathish Kumar D.M.,  KAS, Director, DSSP, Revenue  Department, Govt. of Karnataka is enclosed for ready reference.

2.       Last  year,  the  process  of  identifying  the  social  security  pensioners  receiving pension  through  eMO and  opening  of  POSB  accounts  (if  not already  available)  and obtaining the consent and  updating  the same  in www.kamatakapost.gov.in  was taken up from 20.32 lakhs pensioners.  Out of the above, although consent has been obtained for 13 1akh.s plus pensioners Only. 10.96 lakhs pensioners were identified for payment of pension through DBT into POSB account of the pensioners  by DSSP.   Obviously  the remaining 2 lakhs have migrated away to various banks.

3.        Now, it is informed that about 4.5 lakhs pensioners getting their pension through eMOs needs to be migrated to POSB mode.   Out of the detail shared from DSSP eve have already obtained consent for 1.12 lakhs pensioners and tb.e same 1s being shared to state  government.   

The   consent   needs   to   be  obtained   in   respect   of  3.32   lakhs beneficiaries and details updated in the web portal www.karnatakapost.gov.in by 30-11-2021.   The Region  / Division wise  list is enclosed  for ready reference.   The SSP id (social  security  pensioner's  id  wise)  wise  details  will  be  made available  in  the  web portal  to facilitate  updation, office  wise,   It is requested  to kindly cause to organise  a special  drive  to  ensure  that  POSB  accounts  are  opened  (if  not  already  available), consent  is obtained  and details  updated in the web portal and  progress  monitored  on daily basis.

With regards,

Shri.D.S.V.R.Murthy Postmaster General South Karnataka Region Bangalore-560001  (M.B.Gajbhiye) 080 - 2225 8790         E-mail : dpsbangaloreBindiapost.gov.in

080 - 2239 2504         www   : www.indiapost.gov.in

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