Commutation of Pension MCQ | Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules 1981 MCQs/Quiz/Short Notes | IPO Exam MCQs/Quiz - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Commutation of Pension MCQ | Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules 1981 MCQs/Quiz/Short Notes | IPO Exam MCQs/Quiz

Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules 1981 MCQs/Quiz/Short Notes. Useful for LDCE IPO Exam/PSS Group B Exam and other Central Government Department Exams.


Total Rules – 34

Total Chapters – 5


Title – The Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981


Commencement – ​​1 July 1981

Last Amended- 26th May 2014


For whom it is applicable - These rules shall apply to Government servants appointed on or before 31st day of December 2003 who may be entitled to or have been authorised any class of pension referred to in Chapter V of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972.


Total Definitions – 14


From 01-01-1996, a government servant can get his pension commutation up to a maximum of 40%.

Each pensioner is entitled to a lump sum payment of up to 40 percent of the monthly pension.


Chapter 1 – Preliminary ( 1-3 )


Rule 1 - Name and application of The Central Civil Services (Commutation of Pension) Rules, w.e.f. 1st July 1981.


Rule 2 - Employees to whom it is applicable


These rules shall apply to Government servants appointed on or before 31st day of December 2003 who may be entitled to or have been authorised any class of pension referred to in Chapter V of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972.


Rule 3 – Definitions –


(1).Accounts Officer - Such an officer, whatsoever his official designation may be, who maintains the accounts of a Ministry, Department or Office of the Central Government or Union Territory and includes an Accountant General who is entrusted with the functions of keeping the accounts or part of the accounts of the Central Government or Union Territory;


(2).Applicant - means a Government servant, including a retired Government servant, who applies for commutation of a percentage of pension in the prescribed form


(3). "Chief Administrative Medical Authority" means the medical authority of the State or the Union Territory as specified in the Annexure appended to these rules


(4). "Retirement gratuity" means the gratuity payable under sub-rule (1) of Rule 50 of the Pension Rules

(5).Disbursing Officer branch of a nationalised bank, or/ treasury including sub-treasury, or/ Accounts Officer/ from where the applicant is receiving pension authorised under the Pension Rules ;

(6) "Form" means a Form appended to these rules


(7) Government – Central Government.


(8). "Head of Office" means a Gazetted Officer referred to in clause (1) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 of the Pension Rules.


(9). "Medical authority" means medical authority referred to in Rule 22.


(10). "Pension" means any class of pension including compassionate allowance referred to in Chapter V of the Pension Rules but does not include extra pension and the amount, by whatever name called, granted by the Government to a pensioner as a compensation for higher cost of living


(11). "Pension Rules" means the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972.

(12) "Provisional Pension" means the pension referred to in Rule 64 or Rule 69 of the Pension Rules, as the case may be

(13) "Table" means a table appended to these rules.

(14). Words and Expression – “Words and Expression” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in the Pension Rules, 1972.


Chapter – 2 – General Conditions ( 4-10 )


Rule 4 - Restriction on commutation of pension-

No Government servant against whom departmental or judicial proceedings, as referred to in Rule 9 of the Pension Rules, have been instituted before the date of his retirement, or the pensioner against whom such proceedings are instituted after the date of his retirement, shall be eligible to commute a percentage of his provisional pension authorised under Rule 69 of the Pension Rules or the pension, as the case may be, during the pendency of such proceedings.


Rule 5 – Limit of Commutation of Pension – Maximum limit of pension commutation – 40% of his pension. Application for commutation of pension – Form 1, 1a or 2


Rule 6 - Commutation of pension to become absolute- If you want commutation of pension without double check, then the date on which the application form is sent to the office is happen

If the employee wants the payment of pension and payment of commutation together on that date

He is retired If the pension is received from the Treasury or the Accounts Officer, the day on which the commutation value is made.


Rule 7 - Nomination -The applicant shall apply for enrollment in Form 5. If the payment of commutation is finalized and the pensioner in case of death, the nominee shall have the right to commutation value.


Rule 8 – Calculation of commutation value of pension – The commutation value of the pension will be calculated as per the table of prescribed values ​​and the commutation will be final. The date of occurrence will be done as per the applicable schedule.


Rule 9 - Commutation of provisional pension - If the determination of the final pension of a Government servant is due and he is entitled to the provisions of the Pension Rules, 1972

64 (Interim Pension) If the provisional pension is accepted, then such a government servant will also be eligible for his pension. Maximum 40% of the amount can be commuted.


Rule 10 - Restoration of Commuted Pension - If a pensioner has exhausted the commutation value of his last pension but later the decision of the Government If there is an increase in the pension and the revision of the pension is from the previous period, then the increase in the pension of the applicant is The value will be calculated and the difference amount will be paid and the applicant will be re-instated. No need to apply


Note – Commuted part of pension will be revived after 15 years. Full pension will be payable on completion of 15 years. 15 years shall be reckoned from the date on which the commutation value is first made.


Chapter – 3 – Commutation of pension without medical check ( 11-16 )


Rule 11 – Scope – The provisions of this chapter will be applicable to such pensioners who are eligible for commutation of pension without medical examination.

Rule 12 - Eligibility - An applicant who receives superannuation pension under rules 35, 36, 37 and 39 respectively of the Pension Rules, 1972 Retired pensioners, monthly pension / death, retired gratuity, gratuity and At the time of retirement of the government servant, the pension approved after the departmental / court proceedings I will be able to


Rule 13 - Application for commutation of pension -If a pensioner applies for commutation of pension before the expiry of 1 year from the date of retirement So he doesn't need a medical checkup.

Note – If in retirement order from the last date or after the completion of departmental inquiry or court proceedings Upa has been retired, then 1 year will be counted from the date of order. Will apply in Form 1 to Head of Office after retirement. If the applicant applies for commutation of pension before 1 year of his retirement but If the head of the office gets it after 1 year then he should not get this facility without medical examination. May I have to apply in Form 2.

If a government servant who is about to retire on superannuation and he is entitled to pension along with pension payment If he wants to get commutation, he has to apply in Form 1-a before retirement (earlier this period was up to 3 months before retirement)


Rule 14 Action to be taken by the Head of Office on application for commutation of pension-

Sign the application with a date indicating the date it was received then Part 2 of Form 1 or 1-a

and will complete 3 and send it to the Accounts Officer for approval.


Rule 15 – Authorization of commuted value by the Accounts Officer

Accounting Officer Disbursing Officer for payment of commutation value of overpayment of required verification/checking Will issue authorization to distribute to


Rule 16 - Authorization of the commuted value of a percentage of provisional pension-

Head of Office will submit the communication application Form-1 to the Accounts Officer.

On receipt, check the correctness of the pension and commutation price and send it to the Head of Office And will instruct the distribution officer to pay the amount to the applicant after eating it.


Chapter – 4 – Commutation of pension after medical check ( 17-31 )


Rule 17 - Scope - The provision of this provision will be applicable to the applicant who has got the part of his pension after medical examination. I am on the verge of commutation.


Rule 18 - Eligibility  -

An applicant who has been retired on disability pension under pension rules 38, 40 and 41, penal

Application for commutation to compulsory retired, pensioner and head of office 1 Haven't come within the year, will get it.


Rule 19 - Application for commutation of pension - Application will be submitted in Form-2.


Rule 20 Action to be taken by the Head of Office on application for commutation of pension- In Form-2, the applicant will receive the receipt and after completing Part-II of Form-2, the Accountant will accompany Part-IV I will give On receipt of Part IV of Form-2 from the Accounts Officer, the Head of Office in Form-3 of the State or of the Union. The public will send the medical officer for examination.


Rule 21 - Action to be taken by the Chief Administrative Medical Authority – Should arrange for medical examination.


Rule 22 - Medical authority - In case of commutation of disability pension, the investigation will be done by the Medical Board, in addition, the investigation will be done by the Civil Surgeon or District Medical Officer can do it.


Rule 23 - Fee for medical examination to be borne by the applicant- The applicant will have to deposit the fees fixed by the government for medical examination.


Rule 24 - On failure to appear before the Medical Board - In such a case, the medical authority will send the report to the head office and process of communication. will be closed


Rule 25 - Procedure for medical examination - The medical authority will send a certified copy of Part-III of Form IV to the applicant


Rule 26 - Medical examination for the second time - Re-medical check-up can be done one year after the first test.


Rule 27 - Appeal against decision of Medical Authority - Appeal to the applicant's medical authority within 1 month of the certified copy of Part-III of Form-IV The office can do the mouth.


Rule 28 - Withdrawal of application - The applicant shall, by giving a written notice to the Head of Office, submit his/her self before going to the examination before the Medical Authority. Application can be withdrawn but I cannot withdraw after medical examination.


Rule 29 - Modification in the value specified in the Table- In such case the amount of commutation value will be paid as per the revised schedule.


Rule 30 – Authorization of payment of commuted value by the Accounts Officer

On receipt of the record and report from the Medical Officer, he will issue an order to the Distribution Officer at the earliest.


Rule 31 - Final Assessment of pension - If the applicant to whom commutation of pension has been paid by the Head of Office on the basis of pension has been passed, on the final determination of his pension, if there is an increase in the final pension from the last pension The Accounts Officer will calculate the commutation value on the final pension and out of this the amount paid to the pensioner. Will deduct and pay the remaining amount.


Chapter – 5 – Miscellaneous ( 32 – 34 )

Rule 32 - Interpretation - The power to interpret / receive will be with the “Personal and Administrative Form” department of the government.


Rule 33 - Power to relax - The power to relax the rules will be with the "Ministry / Department" of the government.

Rule 34 - Repeal and Savings - From the date of coming into force of these rules, the rules in force in the immediate past will cease to be in force.


Important MCQs For LDCE IPO Exam


1. When the Central Civil Service Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981 came into force?


(a) 1 July 1981

(b) 1 July 1982

(c) 1 July 1980

(d) 11 July 1981


2. According to the Central Civil Service Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981, on which government servants these rules will apply?


(a). On such government servants who were appointed on or before 31 December 2004.

(b) on such Government servants who were appointed on or before 30th December 2003.

(c) on such Government servants who were appointed on or before 31 December 2003.

(d) on such Government servants who were appointed on or before 31 December 2005.


3. According to the Central Civil Services Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981, the “applicant” is entitled to?


(a) Government servants including retired government servants, who pay 50 percent of the pension in the prescribed form. applies for citation.

(b) such Government servant including retired Government servant who is entitled to 40 percent of the pension in the prescribed form. applies for quoting of percentage.

(c) such Government servant including retired Government servant, who is entitled to 60 percent of the pension in the prescribed form. applies for citation.

(d) such Government servant including retired Government servant, who is entitled to 30 per cent of the pension in the prescribed form. applies for citation.


4. According to the Central Civil Services Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981,  “Disbursing Officer” Is?


(a). Branch of the National Bank

(b) Treasury including sub-treasury

(c) Accountant

(d) all of the above


5. According to the Central Civil Services Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981, the limit of pension Is?

(a). 20% of your pension (b) 50% of your pension (c) 40% of your pension (d) 70% of your pension


6. Application for quotation of pension as per the Central Civil Services Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981 To which officer will it be given?


(a) Head of Office (b) Accounts Officer (c) Medical Officer (d) Any of these


7. Application for commutation of pension as per the Central Civil Services Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981 After how much time the head of the office should give retirement so that the pension without medical examination can be paid? Can it be modified?


(a) before 2 years of retirement

(b) before the age of 3 years of retirement

(c) before the age of 5 years of retirement

(d) before 1 year of retirement


8. Payment of the calculated value of pension as per the Central Civil Services Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981 Who authorizes?


(a) Accountant

(b) Office Head

(c) Medical Officer

(d) none of these


9. Lump sum payment to the pensioner as per the Central Civil Services Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981 for commutation of certain percentage of his monthly pension which is the commuted amount of that percentage. commutation of certain percentage of allowance is also admissible, for an employee or pensioner For commutation of certain percentage of his pension, such departmental or judicial proceedings are pending. Is not even the completion of the proceedings, is that statement true?


(a). Yes, that statement is true

(b) No, that statement is not true

(c) is partly

(d) none of these


10. According to the Central Civil Service Pension (Commutation) Rules, 1981 for how much time the commuted part Will it be reinstalled later?


(a). After 5 years from the date of retirement

(b). After 25 years from the date of retirement

(c). After 15 years from the date of retirement

(d). After 11 years from the date of retirement


11. Who can have commutation of pension without medical certificate, which of the following statement is correct ?

(a) Superannuation Pension, Retirement Pension, Compassionate Pension Cases, Date of Retirement

(b) the date of issue of retirement order in case of pension on absorption in corporation, company or body etc.

(c) the pension issued after the decision of the departmental/procedural proceedings and the issuance of final orders thereon Date of issue of final order in the matter

(d) all of the above


12. On the basis of medical certificate, who can commute the pension, in the following statement Which is right?

(a) retired on disability

(b) compulsorily retired as a measure of punishment

(c) On the amount of allowance

(d) all of the above


13. Within what time to one can apply for commutation of pension on the basis of medical certificate ?


(a) after 1 year of retirement

(b) before the age of 3 years of retirement

(c) before the age of 5 years of retirement

(d) before 1 year of retirement


14. Review the statements given below and select the correct answer?

Statement 1 – Medical Board will check for commutation of pension on non-payment of pension

Statement 2 – In all cases of second medical examination, the Medical Board will examine for commutation

(a). Only statement 1 is correct

(b) Only statement 2 is correct

(c) Both statements 1 and 2 above are correct

(d) None of these is correct


15. Who among the following is the competent medical authority for medical examination?


(a). Civil Surgeon

(b) District Medical Officer

(c) both of the above

(d) none of these


16. Review the statements given below and select the correct answer?

Statement 1 – Prayer for commutation on medical examination is allowed before medical examination

Statement 2 – The above is allowed for medical examination, if the pensioner has increased in the actual age as specified in the medical report. refuses to accept, within 14 days of its receipt


(a). Only statement 1 is correct

(b) Only statement 2 is correct

(c) Both statements 1 and 2 above are correct

(d) None of these is correct


17. Within how much time the applicant can appeal against the medical decision after the first medical examination can?


(a). After 1 month from the date of receipt of certificate of pensioner

(b) after 2 months from the date of receipt of certificate to the pensioner

(c) after 3 months from the date of receipt of certificate to the pensioner

(d) after 1 year from the date of receipt of certificate to the pensioner


18. If an employee retiring after superannuation, on or before the date of retirement If he applies for commutation, by whom will the payment be made?


(a). by accountant

(b) by head of the office

(c) by the Disbursing Officer on the order issued by the Accounts Officer

(d) all of the above


19. Deduction in the amount of pension on commutation, date of receipt of commuted amount by the pensioner or At the end of how many months will the payment be effected from the date of issue of the order?


(a) 3 months

(b) 1 month

(c) 6 months

(d) 2 months


20. Absorbed pensioners who are absorbed in public sector undertakings/subordinate bodies

As per extant rule 37-a, 100% lump sum amount was taken in lieu of pension, in his case after 15 years After………….Pension restored?


(a) one third

(b) two third

(c) 50%

(d) none of these


21. An employee or pensioner whose departmental or judicial proceedings are pending, he can apply for his pension. for the commutation of certain percentage, shall not be eligible until such proceedings are completed, Is the statement true?


(a) yes it is

(b) no, it is not

(c) is partly

(d) none of the above


22. Commutation amount will be calculated as follows?


(a) Commutation factor x 12 x Amount of pension applied for commutation

(b) Commutation factor x 11 x Amount of pension applied for commutation

(c) Commutation factor x 6 x Amount of pension applied for commutation

(d) Commutation factor x 5 x Amount of pension applied for commutation


23. The maximum percentage of pension to a government servant for a lump sum payment of an amount Is it possible to convert? ( Post Office Exam 2019 )


(a) 33%

(b) 40%

(c) 25%

(d) 50%


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