Volume VII MCQs- GDS To PA/SA Exam 2021 | Model questions and answers for PA/SA examination on Postal manual volume -VII | LGO Exam Quiz/MCQs - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Volume VII MCQs- GDS To PA/SA Exam 2021 | Model questions and answers for PA/SA examination on Postal manual volume -VII | LGO Exam Quiz/MCQs

 Previous year questions and answers on Postal manual volume -VII 

 1. Which of the following is not an important irregularity to be noted by the HAS in daily report

a. Non receipt / receipt of bag in damaged condition 

b. Insubordination of staff. 

c. Number of accountable articles handled by the set. 

d. Late receipt of mails 

 2. Which of the following is not a department of sorting mail office: 

a. Mail 

 b. Sorting 

c. Registration 

 d. Records 

3. All RMS officials other than supervising officers , who travel on duty in a vehicle or compartment reserved for the post office , or who have to enter the platform for exchange of mails must carry the following to show their right to be present in the mail van or reserved compartment or on the platform

a. Work paper

 b. Mail list 

c. MDW 

d. Metal tokens 

 4. When more than one official work in an office or a section , MDW is issued by the : 

a. Head of the RMS division 

 b. Inspector posts 

c. Asst supdt of posts 

d. Head sorting assistant 

 5. Period of preservation of an order book of a mail office and a section is: 

a. One year 

 b. Three years 

c. Two years 

 d. Eighteen months 

 6. Which among the following will not keep any stock of bags ? 

a. Unit bag office 

 b. District bag office 

 c. Central bag office 

 d. Circle bag office 

7. After the close of the office the stamps and seals used in the several departments of a mail office must be collected and locked by the : 

a. Head sorting assistant 

 b. Head record officer 

 c. Head mail agent 

 d. Head mail man 

 Model questions and answers for PA/SA examination on Postal manual volume -VII 

 1. What is the full form of RMS 

Ans: Railway mail service. 

2. Designation of the head of the division of the RMS 

Ans : SRM or SSRM ( Superintendent Railway mail service ) ( Senior Superintended railway mail service ) 

 3. How many RMS Divisions are there in the country. ? 

Ans: 69 

4. How many departments are there in the set of sorting mail office? And what are they.

 Ans: Four departments are there in the set of sorting mail office. 

 i. Mail department 

 ii. Sorting department 

 iii. Registration department 

 iv. Parcel department 

 5. Who is the in charge of mail department of a set of the sorting mail office? 

Ans: Head sorting assistant 

6. Who is the in charge of Transit mail office or section ? 

Ans: Mail guard or mail agent. 

7. In sets in charge of a selection grade Head Sorting Assistant, the duties of the mail department connected with receipt and dispatch of mails and opening and closing of mail bags will be assigned to: 

Ans: A senior Sorting Assistant or Sorting Assistant who will be designated as mail Sorting Assistant. 

 8. Except on Who’s authority, a mail office may not – 

(a) redirect any article ; or (b) intercept or deliver any article to the addressee. 

Ans: Director-General or the Head of the Circle. 

9. Interruptions of the mail service due to breaches on the Railway, floods, accidents or any other cause, should be reported by the Head Sorting Assistant of the set on duty to the: 

Ans: Superintendent, the Inspector and the Record Office to which the set is attached. 

10. Circulars of the head of the circle will be filed in ? and preservation period of those circulars ? 

Ans: Guard book & the preservation period is three years. 

 11. All RMS officials other than supervising officers , who travel on duty in a vehicle or compartment reserved for the post office , or who have to enter the platform for exchange of mails must carry the following to show their right to be present in the mail van or reserved compartment or on the platform. 

Ans: Metal tokens 

 12. Who will issue a metal tokens to the officials : 

 Ans: The tokens are the property of Government and they are supplied from the stock depot to the Head Record Office. The Head Record officer issues tokens to the officials attached to his office and further supplies them to record and Sub Record Officers, for issue by them to the officials attached to their respective offices. 

13. In the Mail Offices Except the____________________ no business will be done with the public. 

Ans: the sale of postage stamps, postal stationery (and booking of registered articles during the period for each mail office on payment of usual late fee). 

14. MDW stands for: 

Ans: Memorandum of distribution of the work. 

 15. When more than one official work in an office or a section , MDW is issued by the : 

Ans: Head of the RMS division.(SRM/SSRM) 

16. In the case of Record Office, who will initially prepare the memorandum of distribution of work, and forward it to the Superintendent. 

Ans: The record officer. 

17. In the case of a sorting mail office, who will initially prepare the memorandum of distribution of work of the mail office or section and forward it to the Superintendent. 

Ans: The Inspector railway mail service. (IRM). 

18. Period of preservation of an order book of a mail office and a section is: 

Ans : Three years 

19. Period of preservation of Work papers of RMS offices and sections, is: 

Ans : Eighteen months : 

20. Which The following records may not be destroyed without the special permission of the Head of the Circle. 

Ans: a. Order book of a Record Office. b. Nominal roll of token-holders. c. Work papers, correspondence, or documents regarding which enquiry is in progress, or these connected with cases which have not been fully decided or closed. d. All the above 

 21. The amount to be held in postage stamps/stationery (including embossed envelopes, inland letters and postcards) by each mail office is fixed by the: 

Ans: Superintendent of RMS. 

22. Every set is supplied with the following stamp and seals : a) a date stamp b) a name stamp c) a date -seal d) ‘Detained Late Fee Not Paid 'stamp. 

23. which of the following Office is further supplied with an insurance seal: 

a. Each set of sorting mail office b. each set of section c. none of the above d. both a and B . 

24. The insurance seal must always remain in the possession of the: 

Ans: Head sorting assistant . 

 23. following book will not be supplied to transit mail offices and sections. 

Ans. Guidance book, pin code directory.

 24. Portfolio and its contents – (1) Each set of a section is supplied with a portfolio, (2) In the portfolio should be carried: Acme covers Wax heater; Bundles of work papers; Due Mail Lists; Stamps & seals ; Memo of distribution of work Writing materials; Error book; Box of ‘safety’ matches Carbolic Soap Cake/Cakes; First Aid Box; Order Book; Duster; Book of service message forms; Ink pad with tin case Telegraph Message Code; Parrot-billed scissors; Type tweezer; Pen knife Brass files for papers; Poker Rubber stamping pad. 

25. The portfolio will always remain the personal custody of the: 

Ans. Head sorting Assistant/Mail Guard. 

26. In a sealed bag should be carried : Sweeping brush ; Labels for bags; Late fee notice board; Jute twine; Ball twine; The seal holders and wooden blocks Sealing wax; Stamp brush; Covers, etc. 

27. Important irregularities, etc., to be noted in the rough notebook and mentioned in daily report – a. absence of carrier appointed to receive or deliver mails. b. Non receipt / receipt of bag in damaged condition c. Insubordination of staff. d. non receipt of a due mail bag or bags e. opening of a bag not intended for the section or office by mistake. f. insubordination or neglect of rules on the part of staff g. misuse of bags; h. rceipt of a bag in damaged condition, or insecurely fastened. 

28. To whom the HSA will submit the work papers & daily report : Ans: the HSA will submit the work papers to the record office and daily report to the Supdt through record officer. 

29. Mail abstract (M.42 for Transit Sections and M-43 for Mail Offices) - (1) The mail abstract is divided into two parts, viz., “Mails” and “Bags”. 

30. AMPC stands for: 

Ans : Automatic Mail Processing Centers. 

31. LSM stands for : 

Ans. Letter Sorting Machines. 35,000 articles per hour into about 200 selections. 

32. CRC stands for: Computerized Registration Sorting Centre (CRC). 

33. TMO stands for and who is in charge of TMO; 

Ans. Transit mail office, Mail guard or mail agent is the in charge of TMO. 

34. CTMO stands for : 

Ans: Computerized Transit Mail Office (CTMO). 

35. who is authorized, to order Sorting Assistants to do overtime duty, or in urgent cases, to transfer them temporarily from one set or section to another. 

Ans : The Record Officer 

36. Arrangement register.- Each Record Office will maintain an Arrangement register in the prescribed form in respect of each set of mail office and running section attached to it 

37. Delivery book- (1) All communications from the Superintendent, calling for explanation of irregularities committed by Sorting Assistants, are sent to the Record Officer for delivery to the persons concerned. 

38. Deposits register.- A register should be maintained in each Mail Office which will show the details of articles received, transferred from the previous set, received in the set, disposed of in the set and transferred to succeeding set. This register should be personally seen by ASRM on duty. 

39. All India Mail Survey, . Metro Mail survey : The survey is to be undertaken in the month of : Ans: September every year . 

40. Live mail survey is to be undertaken: 

Ans : Monthly. 

 41. Bag accounting : Introduced on 01.07.1971 1. All the post offices and RMS record offices termed as Unit bag offices. - UBO 2. RMS record office will function as DBO ( District bag office ) - DBO 3. The PSD situated at circle Head quarter are termed as CBO ( circle bag office)- CBO 4. Postal directorate D section will function as Central bag office: this will not keep any stock of bags. 

 42. Each bag office will maintain a day bag book except : Ans: Central bag office. 43. who will maintain a will maintain a register of repairable bags: Ans: Every circle bag office 42. Preservation period of annexure –C ( bag balance report ) is: Ans : Two years . 43.Day bag books preservation period in UBOs /DBOs is : Ans : Two years . 

44. Day bag book of circle bag office, stock register, repairable bags, unserviceable bags registers preservation period is: 

Ans: Ten years , (and all other records preservation period is two years). 

 45. DMSL stands for: 

Ans: Due mail and sorting list . 

46: MNOP stands for: Ans: Mail network optimization project . it started on 10.11.2010 

47. PNOP stands for : 

 Ans: Parcel network optimization project & its started on 17.08.2018 

48. Number of L1 & L2 offices in the country are: 

 Ans: 89 L1 offices & 244 L2 offices. 

49. Number of NSH & ICH ( national sorting hub ) (intra circle hub) in the country are: 

 Ans. 91 NSH & 150 ICH. 

50. Number of NPH & SPH( national parcel hub ) (satellite parcel hub ) in the country are : 

 Ans : 57 NPH & 133 SPH

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