Transfer Under Rule 38 | DOP Transfer Policy relating to Postal Accounts Offices (PAOs) | DOP Order Dated 05.10.2021
No. 53(03)/2019/PA Admn 11/2041-2.63 Ministry of Communications Department of Posts PA Wing Dak Bhawan Sansad Marg New Delhi 110 001 Dated: 05.10.2021.
Transfer under Rule-38 - reg.
I am directed to invite your kind attention on the aforesaid subject and to enclose herewith DOP HQ letter No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II-DOP (Part) dated 02/09/2021 & 03/09/2021. Wherein DOP HQ has further conveyed that reviewed instructions/guidelines in continuation to DOP letter no. 141- 141/2013-SPB-II dated 17.01.2019 relating to Postal Accounts Offices were as follows:
a) An official will be eligible for Inter-Circle/Intra-Circle temporary transfer even without applying for transfer under Rule-38 and attachment in Directorate after completion of one year of service.
b) General Manager (Finance)/ Director of Accounts (Postal) of Postal Accounts Office of Circle shall be competent to approve Inter-Circle or Intra- Circle transfer of staff on the establishment of PAO.
c) Powers delegated vide (2) above shall be exercised in all those cases which fulfills the conditions stipulated in the Transfer policy guidelines circulated vide aforesaid letter no. 141-141/2013-SPB-II dated 17.01.2019, as amended from time to time.
2. Further, the PAOs are directed to maintain their Rule-38 inward/outward register (as per prescribed proforma) regularly and clearly mentioning the incoming and outgoing cases as per the instructions issued by the Postal Directorate and submit the same to PA Wing on monthly basis.
3. Therefore, the instruction/guidelines mentioned above in connection with transfer under Rule-38 should be strictly adhered to. The status of such cases & this office OM No. 53(03)/2019/PA-Admn.II dated 06/08/2021 (including Annexure 1) may be reported to this office on monthly basis.
This issues with the approval of Sr. DDG (PAF).
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