Submitting comments and suggestions regarding transfer under Rule 38 in the BPEF(Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation) meeting with Postal Directorate on 4/10/2021 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Submitting comments and suggestions regarding transfer under Rule 38 in the BPEF(Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation) meeting with Postal Directorate on 4/10/2021

 Submitting comments and suggestions regarding transfer under Rule 38 in the meeting on 4/10/21.

Reference 1: Postal Directorate letter No.X-12/6/2021-SPN-II dated 30th September 2021

Reference 2: Transfer policy Directorate letter no F.No. 141-141/2013-SPB-II dated 17th January 2019.

A kind reference is invited on the above mentioned subject, vide above reference 2, transfer policy guidelines of Group 'C' officials, Group 'B' (non-gazetted) officials and Assistant Superintendent of Posts (Group 'B' Gazetted) were circulated including to regularize the transfers under Rule 38 of Postal Manual Volume IV.

2. Vide above reference 1 of the Postal Directorate, this federation is requested to attend the meeting on 04th October 2021 and give our valuable suggestions in this regard.

3. For that this federation would like to suggest the following proposed amendments in the Transfer policy guidelines for your kind information and early favorable orders.


SI. Existing transfer policy reference/ Existing Transfer policy guidelines / Federation's suggestion/comments

1 Para 3.A.(i) As a general rule, an official shall  not be transferred from one unit to  another, either within the same  Circle, or to another Circle unless  he has completed probation period  satisfactorily.

Probationary period restrictions may kindly be removed and according to the past service records available in CR/PF files, APAR, vigilance, work and conduct certificate of the concerned official,

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