SOP for PM Birthday Greeting Campaign | Special handling of postcards received under PM (Prime Minister) Birthday Greetings Campaign - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SOP for PM Birthday Greeting Campaign | Special handling of postcards received under PM (Prime Minister) Birthday Greetings Campaign

 This has reference to DDG (Philately) D.O. letter referred above whereby the instructions were issued to the Circles for making special arrangement in the Circles for the Birthday Greeting Campaign of Hon'ble Prime Minister from 17.O9.2O21 to 02.10.2021. 

2. ln this regard, Circles are once again requested to put special collection boxes with suitable label (PM Birthday Greeting Letter) in al! Head Post Offices for collection of such Post cards. 

3. Further, all such Post cards collected in Head Post offices shall be bagged separately in special bags, to be dispatched to CPMG, Delhi Circle. Besides, all such Postcards received in the Unregistered mail offices from other Post offices, shall also be bagged in a special bags, to be dispatched to CPMG, Delhi Circle. 

4. A copy of the DDG (Philately) D.O. No. P-4613L1202l-Phil-DoP (Part) dated 17/09/2O21 is also attached for kind reference.

SOP for PM Birthday Greeting Campaign

This is in continuation of DO NO. P-4613U2021-Phil -DOP(Pt.) dated 17.09.2021 issued by DDG(Phil) regarding suitable arrangements in all Circles for the Birthday Greeting Campaign of Hon'ble PM from 17.09.202tto 02.10.2021. Circles are requested to ensure the following in this regard: 

1. Philately Division, Dak Bhawan to immediately ensure the printing of 03 crore Post Card at Security Press Hyderabad. Circles to share their demand with Philately Division by today day end. Security Press, Hyderabad to ensure printing within a period of 5 days. 

2. All Head Post Offices to maintain sufficient supply of Post Cards after estimating the demand at local level. AD(Philately) in Circle office to monitor the demand and supply on a daily basis. 

3. Stock available in CSDs to be sent to Head Post Offices immediately, after keeping a reserve stock. ADG(Philately), Dak Bhawan to monitor the stock at CSDs on a daily basis. 

4. All Head Post Offices to put separate collection points for such Post Cards with label (PM Birthday Greeting Letter). ADG(Philately) to ensure compliance from all HOs to the circles by today day end. 

5. All Post Cards collected in Head Post Offices to be separately bagged and list with number of Post Cards to be maintained on daily basis. These special bags to be dispatched to CPMG, Delhi Circle with information to AD(Philately) in Circle offices. AD(Philately) to prepare and submit a list of number of bags and number of Post Cards collected by each HO to Philately Division, Dak Bhawan. 

6. DDG(Philately), Dak Bhawan to be the Nodal Officer for the project and will ensure compliance on all points above. 

7. All communications with the matter be sent to, abhi and support. All officers in the Philately Division shall be available 24 Hours to guide

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