SB Order No 28/2021 Introduction of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) facility for POSB customers | Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) IVR Facility | DOP/India Post IVR Facility
SB Order No. 28 / 2021 F. No. FS-13/7/2020-FS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (FS Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 12.10.2021 All Head of Circles / Regions
Regarding the introduction of the “Interactive Voice Response (IVR)” facility for POSB customers.
The undersigned is directed to say that the ‘Interactive Voice Response (IVR)’ facility for customers has been implemented. Through the IVR facility, the customers can avail the following facilities for National Savings Schemes (Small Savings Schemes) by calling through the registered mobile number at Indiapost toll-free number 18002666868.
2. The details of various facilities are available for POSB customers through the “Interactive Voice Response (IVR)” system is as under: -
i. Call toll free number 18002666868
press 1 for Hindi
press 2 for English
press 5 for account balance inquiry (all schemes) (Enter account number followed by #)
press 6 for blocking of ATM card
press 1 using Card Number
press 2 using Account Number
press 3 using Customer ID (CIF No)
press 7 for other Services
press 2 for India Post Banking Services (POSB)
press 1 for inquiries or transactions on your savings account (SB/PPF/SSA) (enter account number followed by #)
press 1 to know the status of cheque issued on your account press
2 to know the details of last four transaction on your account. press
3 to know the details of specific transaction of your account. press
4 to know the interest earned and paid or tax deducted on your account. press 5 to stop payment of cheque of your account.
press # to repeat options
press * to go to previous menu
press 2 for inquiries on transactions on your term deposit account (TD/RD/SCSS/MIS/KVP/NSC) (enter account number followed by #)
press 3 for ATM related requests
press 1 for ATM card pin change.
press 2 to issue a new ATM card
press # to repeat options
press * to go to the previous menu
press 4 for more information on postal savings products
press 1 for new account and scheme
press 2 for debit or ATM card details
press 3 for the rate of interest and service charge
press 4 for third party products press # to repeat options press * to go to the previous menu
3. The above options may be re-arranged in the future if required.
4. It is requested to circulate this amendment to all CBS Post Offices for information and guidance. Adequate promotion of this functionality is to be given for the benefit of POSB customers.
5. Hindi version of this SB order will be issued in due course.
6. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
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