SB Order 33/2021 - PM CARES for Children Scheme 2021 | SB Order No. 33/2021 Regarding introduction of “PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021 | SOP For Opening of Accounts Under PM Cares for Children Scheme 2021 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SB Order 33/2021 - PM CARES for Children Scheme 2021 | SB Order No. 33/2021 Regarding introduction of “PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021 | SOP For Opening of Accounts Under PM Cares for Children Scheme 2021

 SB Order No. 33/2021 Regarding introduction of “PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021”

Dated: 29.10.2021 F.No. FS-13/4/2021-FS-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Financial Services Division)

The undersigned is directed to say that Ministry of Finance (DEA) has introduced ‘PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021’ vide its notification No. G.S.R. 723(E) dated 06.10.2021 received through MoF (DEA) O. M. No. 14/1/2019-NS-Pt(1) dated 08.10.2021. Copy of notification is attached for information

2. Detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for operation of the scheme has been prepared in consultation with the Nodal Ministries i.e. Ministry of Finance (DEA), Ministry of Women and Child Development and CEPT, Chennai is attached herewith. 

 3. Detailed Standard Accounting Procedure (SAP) will be released shortly after receipt of Head of Account and GL Codes from the PA wing. 

 4. It is requested to circulate this scheme to all Post Offices for information, guidance and necessary action. 

 5. This is issued with the approval of competent authority

MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Economic Affairs) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 6th October, 2021 G.S.R. 723(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Government Savings Promotion Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following Scheme, namely:- 

1. (1)This Scheme may be called the PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021. 

(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. 

2. Definitions.- 

(1) In this Scheme, unless the context otherwise requires,- 

(a) “account” means account opened in post offices under this Scheme; 

 (b) “account holder” means beneficiary child in whose name the account is held; 

(c) “Act” means the Government Savings Promotion Act, 1873 (5 of 1873); 

(d) “concerned authority” means the Ministry of Women and Child Development for the purpose of coordination and overall management of this Scheme; 

(e) “date of event” means the date between the period 11.3.2020 to 31.12.2021 during which the children who had not attained the age of eighteen years, lost both parents or last surviving parent or both adopted parents or sole legal guardian to COVID-19 pandemic; 

(f) “date of opening of account” means the date on which the account is opened under the scheme; 

(g) “Form” means forms appended to this Scheme; 

(h) “General Rules” means the Government Savings Promotion General Rules, 2018; 

(i) “joint account holder” means the concerned District Magistrate, who shall act as the guardian for the purpose of operation of the account under the Scheme; 

(j) “scheme guidelines” means the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development on PM CARES for Children Scheme, 2021. (2) Words and the expressions used herein but not defined shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act and the General Rules. 

3. Opening of account.-(1) An account may be opened in the name of a beneficiary with the concerned District Magistrate as joint account holder for an eligible beneficiary who has not attained the age of 18 years on the date of event and has also not turned 18 years on the date of opening of account, in accordance with the scheme guidelines : Provided that a single account may be opened for a beneficiary otherwise eligible under the scheme guidelines who has turned 18 years or more on the date of opening of the account

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