SB Order 30/2021 Amendment to Rule 3(1) & 4 of Appendix III (Incentive Scheme for Branch Postmasters) of POSB CBS Manual circulated through SB Order No.09/2018 dated 17.07.2018 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SB Order 30/2021 Amendment to Rule 3(1) & 4 of Appendix III (Incentive Scheme for Branch Postmasters) of POSB CBS Manual circulated through SB Order No.09/2018 dated 17.07.2018

 SB Order No.30/2021 SB Order 30 2021 File No. FS  07/1/2021  FS   DOP-Part(1) Government  of India Ministry  of Communications Department  of Posts (F.S. Division)


All Head of Circles / Regions

Dak Bhawan,  New  Delhi — 110001

Dated:  18.10.2021

Subject-         Amendment  to  Rule  3(1)  &  4 of Appendix  III  (Incentive  Scheme  for Branch  Postmasters)  of  POSB  CBS  Manual  circulated  through  SB Order  No. 09/2018 dated 17.07.2018 — Regarding.

Commission   at   the   rate   of   1%   on   the   net   accretions   in   PO   Savings Account,  subject  to  certain  conditions,  is  paid  to  the  GDS  Branch  Postmaster. Earlier,  the  facility  of  operation  of Accounts  standing  at  the  Branch  Post  Offices was  available  at  Account  Office  /  Head  Post  Office  besides  the  BO  where  the account  stands.  At  present, the  Savings  Accounts  standing  in  the  Branch  Post Office  are   operated  from  any  CBS  post  offices  and  the  BO  accounts  are  linked with  IPPB  Savings  Account  for  Sweep  In  /  Sweep  out  facility.  

Further,  other facilities like ATM,  Internet  Banking and Mobile Banking are  also allowed  to the Savings  Accounts  standing  in  the  Branch  Post  Offices.  Hence,  the channels  for operation of accounts standing in the Branch Post Offices have increased.

2.           Hence,   the   process   for   calculation   of   net   accretions   in   PO   Savings Accounts  for  incentive  payment  has  been  reviewed  and  the  following  provisions in   Rule   3(1),   4(1)   &   4(2)   of   Appendix   III   (Incentive   Scheme   for   Branch Postmasters)  of POSB  CBS  Manual  circulated  through  SB  Order  No.  09/2018 dated  17.07.2018  are  amended.  

The  texts  of  the   amended  provisions  are  given below.

Rule / Para  No. Note 4(b)  under Rule  3(1)

Note  4(c) under Rule 3(1)

Texts of the  Amended  provisions

The  deposits irrespective  of mode  of deposit  (cash,  cheque  and through  withdrawal form)  made in  the  Branch  Post Offices where the  account  stands,  will only be considered.  The deposits made in  the  Account/Head  Office/Other  Offices  and  other banking channels viz. IPPB,  Internet  Banking & Mobile Banking etc will not be taken into account.

All the  withdrawals  happened  in the BO Savings Account including the withdrawals in offices other  than Branch Post Office  where the  account  stands,  ATM,  amount  transferred  out through other channels  like IPPB, Internet  Banking,  Mobile Banking etc will be taken into account.

Rule / Para No. 4 (1) 4 (2)

Texts of the Amended  provisions

The GDS   Branch Postmaster  who is eligible  for the commission under  the scheme  will prepare  in the month of April each year a bill in the following  form in respect  of the preceding  financial year  and submit  the same  to the Head/Account  office  duly entered in  the BO  daily  account.  While preparing  the bill,  the instructions  at  Note  4 under Rule  3(1) shall be followed.

In  the account/Head  Office,  the  SB  counter  Assistant  will check the bill received from  the  GDS   Branch/Sub  Office in order to ensure  that  it has been correctly  prepared  and fill the amount of withdrawals  in the bill. The  amount  of deposits  will be verified  from  the BO  summaries  of preceding  year.  For this purpose  the  total amount  of monthly  deposits  and  withdrawals will be worked out from  the BO  summaries by  the Account/Head  office.

Note  1*  The Branch Post  Offices will not  be having the withdrawals  transactions  happened  in office  other  than the BOs,  ATM,  IPPB, Internet  Banking  and Mobile  Banking.

Hence,  the Postmaster  of the Account  Office  will  generate the withdrawal  transactions  of BOs in CSI  SAP  Module  using the TCode  Fagll03,  by giving the inputs  viz.  GL Code 8800100010, Period,  Profit center of the BO  concerned.

Note 2  The Postmaster  will fill the withdrawal  amount  and net deposit  for each month in the bill sent  by  the Branch Postmaster,  as per  the report  generated in CSI  SAP  and calculate  the net  accretions.  After  verifying  the deposits amount  shown by  the Branch Postmaster,  the Postmaster  of the Account  Office  will pass the payment.

3.          The   PROFORMA   prescribed    in   Rule   4(1)   of   Appendix   III    (Incentive Scheme  for  Branch  Postmasters)  of POSB  CBS  Manual  is also  amended  and  the amended PROFORMA  is annexed  herewith.

4.          The  above   amended  provisions   will  be  applicable   in   case  of  all   unpaid incentive  claims.  The  claims  of incentive  /  commission  on net  accretions  already paid  to  the  GDS   Branch  Postmaster  shall  not  be  re-opened/revised  due  to  the above  amendments.

5.             This   may   be   circulated   to   all   the   Post   Offices   for   information   and necessary  actions.

G.           This is issued with  the  approval of the Competent  Authority.

I         \

(T C         AYAN)

Asst.        ect      (SB-I)

1.   Sr.  PPS   to Secretary  (Posts)

2.     Sr.  PS  to Director  General (Postal  Services)

3.   PPS/ PS to Addl. DG (Co-ordination) / Member  (Banking)  / Member  (O) / Member  (P)  / Member 

 (Planning & HRD) / Member  (PLI) / Member  (Tech)

/ AS & FA

4.   Addl.  Director  General,  APS,  New  Delhi

5.   Chief General Manager,  BD Directorate  / Parcel Directorate  / PLI Directorate

6.   Sr.  Deputy  Director  General (Vig)  & CVO)  / Sr.   Deputy  Director  General


7.   Director,  RAKNPA  / CGM,  CEPT / Directors of all  PTCs.

8.   Director  General  P & T  (Audit),  Civil Lines,  New  Delhi

9.   Secretary,  Postal Services  Board/ All Deputy  Directors  General

10. All General Managers (Finance)  / Directors  Postal Accounts  / DDAP

11. Chief Engineer  (Civil),  Postal Directorate

12.All recognized  Federations  / Unions / Associations

13. The Under  Secretary,  MOF (DEA),  NS-II Section,  North Block,  New  Delhi.

14. The Joint Director  & HOD,  National Savings Institute,  ICCW Building,  4 Deendayal  Upadhyay  

Marg,  New De1hi-110002

15. GM,  CEPT, Mysuru  -  for uploading  the  order on  the  India  Post  website.

16. Guard  File

(T          JAYAN)

Asst      Director (SB-I)


Name of BO                                              Year                                        





Total Deposits  by Cash and through withdrawal form in  Rs.


Deposits  by Cheque  in Rs.

Total amount of Deposits in  Rs.

Total Withdrawals including in Rs.

Net Deposits in Rs.

Date....................................                      Signature of GDS BPM

To be filled  by the  Account  Office

Net accretion  during the year  (in words  & figures)                                               

        Total amount  of incentive  eligible  lin words  &  figures)  _                             

                Verified  for payment for Rs. (in words  and  figures)                              



Signature  of the  PA/Postmaster

Passed for payment for Rs. (in words  & figures)                                                    



Signature  of Postmaster

To be filled  by the GDS Branch Postmaster

Received  the  amount  of Rs. (in words  & figures)                                             specified  above.


Signature of GDS BPM

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