preventive measures in CBS Post Offices | Instructions to Prevent Fraud in CBS Post Offices Issued by Directorate | Prevention of Frauds in CBS Post Offices
Taking of preventive measures in CBS Post Offices
The undersigned is directed to say that Delhi Circle has reported that in two CBS Post offices, some Handholding Team members of FSI Vendor had taken advantage of their familiarity with the staff and attempted to do some transfer transactions which were later blocked by EOD Blocking Validation Report. In both the cases, postal staff exposed their desktops to the handholding persons after login into Finacle for the purpose of getting help in understanding some functionalities after many days of go-live.
2. The competent authority has directed to inform all the CBS Post Officer to take following preventive measures to avoid any attempted fraud by such persons in the name of postal staff
(i) Never expose desktop or give access to any person after login into Finacle.
(ii) Do not call any person for any help who had provided Handholding support during migration as these persons are contacted by the partners of Infosys and not regular Infosys Employees.
(iii) All new accounts are to be opened with proper ID and Address proof and mandatorily be funded with the first deposits (except zero Balance Accounts opened under SBBAS)
(iv) For all transactions done in Finacle, User ID and time are captured in tha system. Therefore, the official whose User ID will be recorded in the system will be held personally responsible for any such transaction found in the system.
(v) In no case, Password is to be shared with any other person and Password should be frequently Changed.
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