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PMA (Postman Mobile App) Delivery Performance | Monitoring of delivery performance through Postman Mobile App

 Monitoring  of  delivery  performance  through  Postman  Mobile  App- reg.

This  is  regarding  monitoring  the  performance  of  circles  in  respect  of  articles delivered through Postman Mobile App (PMA).

2.  At present monitoring of various parameters such as device/ office registered & utilized, articles issued / delivered, etc. are done through reports already  available on portal. The portal can be accessed both, on the open internet and sify connectivity.

3.  In  order  to  ensure  effective  monitoring  of  the  PMA  performance,  following objectives  and  connected  reports  are  outlined  so  that  circles  can  give  a  clear direction  to the  field units  to improve  the performance  of  PMA  on all parameters. The functional objectives,  measurement  methodology  and report names are listed below:

(i)       Objective:     Capturing   100%  delivery   attempt   scan   (both   Delivered   & Undelivered scan) of all accountable articles by postmen at HO/SO/BO Measurement  methodology:  count  of  articles  sent  out  for  delivery  through  the basis (source CSI-DPMS)  Vs  Count of  articles handled through PMA Report Name. PMA App Utilization

(ii)   Objective:  All registered devices are utilized on all days Report  Name: PMA  Unutilized     Devices -     It gives  the details  of  devices  not used  i.e   zero  articles  scanned  through  the  device.   This  report  is  available  for  a particular date or a date range. Report  Name: PMA    Registration  &  Utilisation -  Gives  the   details  of  delivery offices,  PMA  device  registered  offices,  list of  registered  devices  and   how  many devices  were  utilized.  This  report  is  available  for  a  particular  date    or   a   date range. Classification of Departmental and BOs are  available.

(iii)   Objective:   All Delivery offices are supplied/provisioned for PMA device. Report Name: PMA  unregistered offices: Gives the details of the delivery offices where  no  PMA  device  is  registered.  Classification  of  Departmental  and  BOs  are available.

(iv)   Objective'    Assess the performance  of a particular  beat/all the beats of  any office(HO/SO/BO) on a particular day Report   Name:  PMA   Beat   Delivery   report:  Gives   the   count   of   total   articles handled-  successfully  delivered  and  undelivered,  reasons  for  non-delivery,  article numbers  for   which  delivery   attempt   was   made,  location   at  which  the  delivery attempt was added, distance from the concerned delivery office, start and end time of the delivery attempt, minimum and maximum distance covered.

5.  In order to ensure effective utilization of PMA, following issues are to be kept in view for strict compliance:

(i)  Delivery   Attempt,   by   the  delivery   staff   i.e  Postman   /  GDS       MD/  etc,  of   all accountable  articles  received for  delivery  must  be through  PMA.  Presently  about 50% articles are being handled through PMA, at pan India level on a monthly basis. Only  a  few  circles  are  handling  nearly  60-70  percent  of  the  articles  received  for delivery through PMA.

(ii) In order to improve  the performance  of delivery  attempt  scan through  PMA,  all articles  received  for  delivery  before  the  postmen  go  out  for  delivery   must  be invoiced  and  issued  to  the  delivery  stall through  the  CSI-DPMS  module  and the delivery   stall  must   attempt   the   delivery   (i.e   delivered   and   undelivered   scan) through PMA.

CEPT  will  be  providing  an  additional  report  of  the  count  of  articles  received  for delivery  in  the  office  and  delivered  through  PMA  in  the  dashboard  to  help  the circles to ensure  that all  articles received at a delivery  office are invoiced  and all invoiced articles are handled through the PMA.

(iii)  Device  utilization  in  both  departmental  post  offices  and  branch  post  offices should be increased. Faulty devices should be repaired wherever feasible..

(iv) Training  sessions  should be organized  for the postmen  and GDS to sensitive them  to  do  the  delivery  attempt  scans  (delivered  and  undelivered  scan)  of  the articles ONLY at the doorstep of addressees. It has been observed that in many cases postmen scan the articles either in the post office itself or from one location. This defeats  the very purpose  of  the PMA  which has the feature  of  capturing  the geo-coordinates of the delivery locations for any future reference.

(v)  The  name  of  the  person  to  whom  the  article  is  delivered  should  also  be captured in the App.

6. Effective utilization of PMA will have the following advantages:

(i)  For successful delivery: the time, location, and the name of the person to whom the delivery is made gets captured.

(ii)  For  unsuccessful  delivery:  the  time, location  and  the  reasons  for  non-delivery gets captured.

(iii)   For  the  customers,  the  delivery  attempt  details  listed  above  are  available REAL TIME on the track and trace on the India Post Portal.

(iv)  For BNPL customers,  the delivery  attempt  details are available on SFTP and API platform.

7.  In  order  to  ensure  effective  monitoring  of  the  utilization  of  PMA,  the  Quality Monitoring Cells (QMC) at circle. regional and divisional levels. must log on to PMA portal every day and analyze the performance of delivery post o(faces/beats.

Request all Heads of Circles to hold workshops  at divisional / post office levels to  disseminate  the  objectives   and  advantages  of  PMA  and  the  impact  of  its implementation in improving the delivery of mail across the country.

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