Performance of Circles in opening of POSB Accounts | Expected POSB Revenue @Rs.219.23 per A/C - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Performance of Circles in opening of POSB Accounts | Expected POSB Revenue @Rs.219.23 per A/C

 No. FS-10/17/2021-FS-DOP-Part(1) Govt. of India Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts (F.S. Division) Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 Dated: 11.08.2021


All Head of Circles

Subject: Performance of Circles in opening of POSB Accounts – Reg.


Attention is invited to the performance of the circles in opening POSB accounts

in the current financial year. Details have been shared with the circles vide DO of even number dated 6th August, 2021.

Circles have adopted various strategies like tying up with state governments for

opening of SSA accounts. However, these are not sufficient as can be seen from the outcome in the first four months of 2021-22.

There is wide variation in the performance among circles, population covered and number of live accounts in different category of post offices. Average live account per post office as on 31st March, 2021 stood at 1,851 with departmental post offices contributing 9,000 accounts and BOs less than 500. Even among departmental post offices, there is wide variation. Only way POSB operation can be made self-sustaining is by increasing the number of accounts specially in BOs and departmental post offices.

Rough estimate indicates the POSB operation will become self-sustaining if the average live account per post office reaches 10,000. Taking the count from 1,851 to 10,000 will take concerted and sustained effort at policy level, technology level, marketing level as well as involvement of sales force at the post office level to enhance the customer experience. Involvement of Directorate, Circle, Region, Division and post offices down to the BO level is a must to aim for a quantum leap in that direction. Technology

initiatives like NEFT/RTGS, e-PAN, e-KYC and improvement in e-Banking/ mBanking applications are sure to attract more customers towards POSB. It will certainly ease and improve POSB operation in the post offices in coming months. However, the effort at the post office level needs to go up right away so that POSB account opening drive is put in top gear in the remaining part of the financial year.

It is requested to identify pockets with low penetration of POSB schemes. These can be identified:

with population of the

1. By comparing the number of live accounts


2. Number of live accounts in the post office.

Based on the above numbers, present status of each and every post office may be ascertained. At present, only a small number of post offices will be in a position to meet the above benchmark. However, as we start working keeping the above number in mind, more and more post offices will reach above expected leve1 and will help the circles reach self-sufficiency in POSB operation. Staff of post offices which have already breached the above figure may be felicitated and may be encouraged to continue their good work. 

A baby step in that direction is to dedicate each day of the week to particular POSB scheme(s). On this day, post offices may run special campaign, inform members of public about features and benefits of the particular POSB scheme(s) and encourage them to open POSB accounts especially of these schemes. Accounts of other schemes may continue to be opened. like before. Circles are free to add any other programme/scheme of the Department to these days in order to make the occasion special as per the local requirement. Day-wise scheme detail is as follows:

performance of the programme will be measured based on the CBS data available on portal and will reviewed through vc and other channels. It is once again requested to increase the pace of account opening so as to achieve the net account opening target of 4.15 Cr set for the current financial year'  

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