Passport Delivery through Speed Post | Passport to be delivery of the addressee only not to be redirected and if not delivered, please return to the sender - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Passport Delivery through Speed Post | Passport to be delivery of the addressee only not to be redirected and if not delivered, please return to the sender

 No.57-01/2010-BD&MD Government  of India Ministry of Communications & IT Department of Posts Business Development  & Marketing Directorate 5áµ—Ê° Floor, Oak Bhawan, New Delhi 110 001 11áµ—Ê° April, 2012


1.        A  reference  has  been  received  in  Business  Development  &  Marketing Directorate   from  Chief   PMG   Kerala   Circle  &  Unions   relating   to  delivery   of passports  which  is  a  very  sensitive  issue  from  the  point  of  view  of  national security  and  clarification  is  sought  for  whether  such  articles  containing  passport can be delivered to even “authorized”  person.

2.        The  Regional  Passport  offices,  after  issue/renewal   of  passports,  book them  through  Speed  Post  service  of  the Department  of Post  for  delivery  to  the applicant.  The envelopes which are being used by Ministry of External Affairs for dispatch  of  the  passport  through  speed  post  super scribed  as  “Passport  to  be delivery  of  the  addressee  only  not  to be  redirected  and if not  delivered,  please return to the sender”.

3.        Para  2(a)  of  BD  &  M  Directorate  communication  No.57-1/2010-BD&MD dated 01.06.2010 provides  that delivery  of speed post article is address  specific.

i.e.  a  Speed  Post  article  is to be delivered  either  to the  addressee  or  any  other person who  takes  delivery  of  the  article  at  the  address.  Para  5(c)  of  the  said communication provides that in respect of all such Speed Post articles, that carry the legend “To  be delivered  to the addressee  only”,  the delivery  would  be made to the addressee or his/her authorized representative only.

4.       The  issue  has  been  examined  in  consultation  with  Ministry  of  External Affairs, New Delhi.  It has been decided by the Ministry  of External  Affairs, New Delhi that the present modality of delivering the passport “either to the addressee or  his/her  authorized  representative  on  behalf  of  the  addressee”,  is  the  most viable one and will be continued for passport delivery system.

5.        In  view  of  above,  the  issue  raised  in  Para  1  above  is  clarified  that  the Speed Post  articles containing  passport  is addressee specific.   Such article may be  received  “either  by  the  addressee  or  authorized  representative on behalf  of the  addressee"  as  has  been  prescribed  by  BD  &  M  Directorate  OM  No.  57- 01/2010-BD&MD  dated 1ˢᵗ June, 2010 that lays down the procedure  for delivery of Speed Post articles.

6.        This issues with the approval of Member (O).

(C.    Aruppasamy) Asst. Director (BD & MD)


1.   All Heads of Circles/ Addl. DG, APS

2.   CGM (BD&MD)/CGM  (MBD)/CGM (PLI)/Director (Postal Staff College)

3.   All Regional PMsG

4.   All DDsG in Postal Directorate/ JS&FA/Secretary (PSB)

5.   All PMsG (BD) in the Circle

6.   Ali Director (BD) in the Circle

7.   All Directors in Postal Directorate

8.   All Directors in Postal Training Centres

9.   All Officers in BD&MD

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