MTS Exam Notification 2021 | GDS To MTS Exam Notification 2021 | Model Notification for GDS To MTS Exam 2021 | Competitive Examination for appointment to the post of MTS from eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2021 (01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021)
Competitive Examination for appointment to the post of MTS from eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2021 (01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021)
I am directed to forward herewith 'Model Notification' for Competitive Examination for appointment to the post of MTS from eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2021 from (01 .01 .2021 to 31 .12.2021). Circles are requested to incorporate the relevant entries in the Model Notifications and issue Formal Nullification on or before 08.11.2021. As per DOP's letter No. 4-34012l01/2021-DE doted 13.10.2021 , the above mentioned exam is scheduled to be held on 26.12.2021
2. Necessary guidelines for conducting the examination have already been issued wide Directorate's letter No. 4-34012l0112021-DE doted 11.O3.2021. Circles will follow these instructions.
3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned. The Formal Notification may be uploaded on the Departmental website i.e. and Circle's website, if any.
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
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