Mega Delivery Campaign from 01.10.2021 to 16.10.2021 i/c/w National postal week
This is regarding review of SP and RL delivery performance of the Regions. A kind reference is invited to this office letter of even no dtd 16.09.2021 regarding comparison of delivery performance during August-2021 with the previous month i.e. July-2021.The compliance report in this regard is still awaited.
2 The same day i.e. D+0 delivery percentage of the Circle is 72.63 for speed post & 62.55 % for RL against the target of 95% &92% respectively.
3. The speed post and registered mails delivery performance of all the three Regions needs further improvement as it is quite below the target set by the Directorate i.e. 95 %& 92 % delivery in D+0.
4 In this regard, it is requested to do the analysis and take corrective action in the mail arrangements and mail operations wherever required. A weekly report on the analysis made be sent to CO every Friday. Regions are requested to direct the RMS units to monitor and analyze the BI reports for MNOP and Parcel Operations.
5. In view of the above , the remarks of CPMG is reproduced below for immediate necessary action: Being the 95% delivery norms, we need to rapidly step up our D+0 delivery. we may conduct Mega Delivery campaign and later study if there are any PMA/scanning issues also leading to poor delivery"
6. Hence. it is requested to conduct Mega Delivery campaign during the period from 01.October.2021 to 16.10.2021 being the National postal week at all post offices during which all the articles received for delivery on these days should be invariably delivered and update in the CSI system so as to achieve cent percent D+0% delivery.
7. All the articles in deposit should be reviewed and efforts to be made to deliver all the articles by making special efforts & D+0 on the same day of receipt at POS Try 100% and to focus on D+0 delivery by POs. The daily report in the below format during the period 01.10.2021 to 16.10.2021 may be sent to this office by1200Hrs
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