McCamish – SAP comparison Tool | CIS and SAP Comparison Tool | Tool facilitates both Postal Accounts Branch and DOP Inspecting authorities to reconcile / validate both MaCamish and SAP by one click. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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McCamish – SAP comparison Tool | CIS and SAP Comparison Tool | Tool facilitates both Postal Accounts Branch and DOP Inspecting authorities to reconcile / validate both MaCamish and SAP by one click.

 By using this tool reconciliation can be done for a day, for a period, for particular BO / SO / HO , all POs. This tool facilitates both Accounts Branch and Inspecting authorities to reconcile / validate both McCamish and SAP by one click. Note: Based on quantity of data importing, it will consume more time. Link to download tool 

Folder contains 

1. (setup file) 

2. Latest Exe folder - MacamishSAPRecon.exe , RKMaster.mdb 

3. Officemaster_sample.xlsx 

4. Gl_list_270221.xlsx 

5. BOsummary.mp4 

6. Fagll03_final1.mp4

Installation Procedure 

 1. Run the Setup file . While installation if it asks to overwrite, select “No” for all messages. 

2. After installation, replace the “MacamishSAPRecon.exe” and “RKMaster.mdb”

 in the installation folder 

 1. Preparation of Master Data Prepare the data in excel format (i.e. same as mentioned in the excel file OfficeMaster_sample.xlsx) 

2. Downloading data in Macamish 

i. Dayend collection report 

ii. Premium collection report Note: Above said reports are to be downloaded for the same set of offices and period of dates 

3. Downloading data in SAP 

i. Use FAGLL03 code 

ii. In the GL code, give all the GL Codes available in Gl_list_270221.xlsx 

iii. In the free selection, enter the profit centre code for the same offices which you had downloaded from Macamish 

iv. Follow the video – Fagll02_final1.mp4 Changes not included in the video While generating data in SAP through FAGLL03, the layout name should be “/BOSUMMMOH” (enter in capital letter) Processing data in Macamish – SAP comparison Tool 

4. Configuration of Office and uploading of master data 

i. Master Data -> HO configuration 

ii. Enter HO / Sub Division Name 

iii. Enter HO / Sub Division Pincode 

iv. Click -> Save 

v. Click on “…” button 

vi. Browse the master excel file vii. Click->Import Note: For Sub Division upload office details relating to Sub Division only 

5. Import Day end collection Report 

i. Select the day end collection excel file 

6. Import Premium collection Report 

i. Select the Premium collection excel file 

7. Validation of Day End- Premium collection 

i. Click Validation button 

8. Update loan policies 

i. Click unmapped Entry 

ii. Update policies for which Scheme and policy Type is missing 

iii. Click on Update Loan 

Note: Point (ii) is a one-time process. 

The other two steps should be used whenever you upload a new file 

9. Merge Dayend-Premium 

i. Click -> update Note: Discrepancy report should be nil to proceed further. 10. Import SAP Data i. Select the excel file while you downloaded from SAP-Fagll03 11. Reconciliation Report i. Give From date and To date (i.e. Dates for which you downloaded from Macamish and SAP) 

ii. Scheme – (All / PLI / RPLI) - Select anyone 

iii. Select AO Name (All AOs / (anyone AO Name)) – Select anyone 

iv. Select PO Name (All POs/ (anyone PO Name)) – Select anyone 

v. Delete all old data – Select “YES” (This deletes data only in temporary table) vi. Click – Fetch Below said excel files will be generated 

a. Summary file – .xlsx 

o Summary – Shows a summary 

o GLCodewise_Disc – Shows discrepancies according to GLs 

o PFCenterWise_Disc - Shows discrepancies according to a Profit center 

o Datewise_Disc – Shows discrepancies according to datewise 

o Schemewise – Shows discrepancies according to Scheme 

b. Tallied_Datewise___.csv This report shows tallied details according to date c. Tallied_GLwise___.csv This report shows tallied details according to GLwise d. Tallied_ProfitcenterWise___.csv This report shows tallied details according to a Profit center 

Based on the discrepancy you can compare with physical records based on date / profitcenter / GLCODE to find the reason for discrepancies

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