LDCE AAO 2018/2021 Exam Issues to be examined by a Committee | Committee to examine the issues related to LDCE 2018 and proposed LDCE-2021
Committee to examine the Issues related to LDCE 2018 and proposed LDCE- 2021- reg.
No. 3-37/2020-PACE/DE/AAO/Pt. II/ Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts OFFICE PIEMORANDUM PA Wlng, Oak Bhawan New Delhl- 110001
Sub: -Committee to examine the Issues related to LDCE 2018 and proposed LDCE- 2021- reg.
Approval of the competent authority Is hereby conveyed to constitute a committee for examining the issues related to LDCE 2018 and proposed LDCE- 2021 and suggest their possible
solutions -
I) Md. Shahbaz Ali, Pr. GGA Delhi- Chairperson
ii) Ms. Tiakala Lynda Yaden, DDG (F&PAA), DoP- Member
iii) Sh. Shivendu Gupta, CCA Rajasthan- Nember
iv) Sh. Kunal Srivastava, Director (Accounts), DoP- Convener
Terms of References-
i) To examine the Senior/Junior clause in the Note below Column 11 of the AAO Recruitment Rule-2018 in view of the Court Cases filed before various Courts of Law.
ii) To examine Inter-se Seniority issue of Accountants as Note below Column 9 of the Recruitment Rule-2018 which specify no probation for Group ’B’ promotees.
iii) Whether Gradation/Seniority list of AAOs shall be treated as provisional till the settlement of all court cases on RR and LDCE- 2018.
iv) To give opinion whether to maintain status quo In the matter of reservation In promotion of SC/ST on his own merit In light of SLP No.30621/2011 titled “Jarnall Slngh and Others Vs Lachml Narain Gupta & Others pending before Hon‘ble Supreme Court.
v) To give opinion on deciding uniformly In eligibility criteria for various cadres In all the Circles In symmetrical way.
vi) To examine the possibility of securing a particular ratio for the candidates coming from the Accounts side (JA/SA of DoP & DoT) and from various cadres of Operative side and from the SCF Quota as well In the light of various pending Court.
vii) To examine the “process of examination notification, conduct of examination and recommend steps to resolve probable post examination Issues.
Viii) To recommend whether result of all the candidates who appeared in the IO the AAO LDCE examination Is to be declared.
X) To examine the possibility of granting SAS Status to the candidates who have secured minimum qualifying marks but did not secure their place In merit.
Xl) To examine whether there Is a need to hold OPC for the candidates who declared successful In the LDCE Examination; before giving them joining letter.
xii) To give opinion whether Posts of Sr. AOs shall be downgraded in AO In accordance of DoE OM No. 75298S/2018/E.Coord.I dated 13.04.2018.
xiii) To study the Implications of current court cases on LDCE-2018 and its implications on future recruitment for the post of AAO.
xiv) To give opinion on the preparation of year wise vacancies in the Cadre of AAO in the light of Roster and pending Court cases In‘this regard.
xv) To examine the contentious Issues which arise based on the Marks declaration (by way of RTIs & representations), disclosure of Answer Sheets (on request of respective candidates), RTIs & PG concerned to LDCE-2018 along with the Court Cases In this regard.
The committee is requested to consider all aspects and submit the report within 03 month.
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