IPPB SSO (Single Sign On) URL Access | How to Access IPPB SSO URLs (DMS Application) | SSO Includes AMS, Reckon, SAS and DMS URLs - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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IPPB SSO (Single Sign On) URL Access | How to Access IPPB SSO URLs (DMS Application) | SSO Includes AMS, Reckon, SAS and DMS URLs

 1. Open the below SSO Link in the browser. https://idamsso.ippb.in/SSOPage/login/landingPage.php 

2. You will get the below certificate page, click on the “continue to the website option”

3. You will get the login page as seen in below screenshot

4. Enter the credentials then click login

5. After entering the correct credential, you will get the SSO landing page as show in the below screen shot

6. In the landing page click on the required application which you want to login. For example:- If user want to access DMS Application, click on “DMS application” then the DMS application website will open without any further authentication for the application access

Troubleshooting: - Invalid Credentials: - If the user enters invalid credential while login, then user will receive the below error

Resolution: - 

1. Enter the correct password, if the password enter by you is correct then please check with Active Directory Team or Helpdesk on the following points 

a. User id should present in Active Directory and it should be active. 

b. Check if your user id password is expired, if expired then reset the password. 

 2. After validating the above points, try to re-login the SSO url, if still receive the invalid credentials then clear the browser cache as mentioned in below steps. 

a. Click on tools in browser right corner then choose internet options, as shown in below screenshot.

b. In internet option, click delete option as shown in below screenshots.

c. Choose the below options to delete the temporary internet files, cookies and history as mentioned in below screenshots.

d. Click ok, as shown in below screenshots.

e. Close all the IE browsers and reopen the browser again. Open the below SSO Link in the browser . https://idamsso.ippb.in/SSOPage/login/landingPage.php

 f. You will get the below certificate page, click on the “continue to the website option”

g. You will get the login page as seen in below screenshot. Now enter the correct username and password


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