IPPB Bill Payments SOP | IPPB’s Bill Payment Platform SOP(Standard Operating Procedure) for DOP End Users(GDS/Postman/PA/SPM)
IPPB’s Bill Payment Platform In our endeavor to enhance our customer experience and stay ahead of competition, IPPB is regularly reviewing its existing product offerings and improving it by addition of new functionalities/product features. Bill Payments is one of the widely utilized and popular product which has been available to IPPB Account holders since inception.
We are glad to inform you that IPPB has revamped its bill payment platform by including the best in class product features and various User Interface related enhancements. With this upgrade now IPPB is live on NPCI’s Bharat Bill payment System (BBPS) platform as customer operation Unit (BBPOU).
Hence all the billers available on BBPS will be available to IPPB customers. While the current platform offers only Bill fetch & ad-hoc bill payments. The upgraded platform introduces the host of new functionalities.
New Features introduced in this upgrade
i. Recurring Bill Payment, by enabling Standing Instruction
ii. Scheduling Bill Payments
iii. View/fetch and Pay Bill
iv. Updated Transaction History
v. Set Transaction Alerts and Reminders
vi. Updated User experience
vii. Raise/Track Complaints Online for BBPS transactions
viii.Addition, Deletion and Modification of Billers
ix. Bank can enable Notifications, Snooze Alerts & Reminders
x. Real time transaction status available to IPPB back-end team will improve the TAT for dispute resolution
xi. System driven reconciliation and reversal handling at CPC
IPPB Provides list of Below mentioned Bill Payments Services
Bill payments Categories At present we approximately 415 billers are live under following categories on IPPB Bill payment platform.
i. Electricity (73)
ii. Mobile prepaid (10 billers)
iii. Mobile postpaid (11)
iv. DTH (5)
v. Landline Postpaid (9)
vi. Broadband Postpaid (23)
vii. Gas (24)
viii. Water (32)
ix. Tax (6)
x. Insurance (38)
xi. Credit Card (12)
xii. Rent (1)
xiii. Loan (72)
xiv. Education (19)
xv. Mutual Fund (37)
xvi. Donation (27)
xvii. Subscription (3)
xviii. Fastag (8)
xix. LPG cylinder (3)
xx. Cable TV
(2) The count of billers (mentioned in bracket) is dynamic and we are adding new biller as and when on-boarded on BBPS platform.
IPPB will enable new categories will be added as and when introduced by NPCI for BBPS transactions
Kindly note that all BBPS Billers are having Bharat Bill Pay logo against their name as well on transaction acknowledgment and payment screens
Billers that don’t have the above logo are not BBPS billers and are specific to IPPB platform.
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