Institutional/Induction Training for direct recruit and promoted officials of Department of Posts (DOP)
Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New-Delhi' 110 001, Dated 19th October, 2020. 1. All Chief Postmasters General/Postmasters General 2. CGM BD Directorate/Parcel Directorate/PLl Directorate 3. Director (RANKPA)/GM (CEPT)/ Director of all PTCs 4. Addl. DG, Army Postal Services, New Delhi
Subject: Institutional/Induction Training for direct recruit and promotee officials of Department of Posts.
Madam/Sir, I am directed to refer to this office letter no. 60-09/2009-SPB-I dated 25.09.2014 and letter no. 7-70/20L7-SPN-II dated 29.07.2019 on the above mentioned subject wherein instructions were issued regarding appointment of candidates, by direct recruitment and Departmental Examination, to the posts of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) and Inspector Posts.
2. To speed up and streamline the appointment process it has been decided that candidates qualifying in Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to higher posts and the candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) for direct recruitment to the posts of Postman, Mail Guard, Stenographers, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant and Inspector Posts shall be appointed straightaway after completing pre-appointment formalities without waiting for completion of prescribed institutional induction training.
3. Similarly, Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) selected for appointment to the posts of Multi Tasking Staff, Postman, Mail Guard, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant, whether through competitive examination or seniority, shall be appointed straightaway after completing pre-appointment formalities without waiting for completion of prescribed institutional induction training.
4. Circles are requested to take immediate action to ensure that the preappointment formalities are completed at the earliest. Further, Circles may liaise with the concerned authorities of the States /UT, where-ever required, so that all pre-appointment formalities are completed at the earliest. This would motivate the selected candidates to join the Department of Posts immediately.
5. Pending prescribed institutional training, such candidates shall neither be posted in sensitive posts nor be deputed to man the counters and may be posted in non-sensitive posts under supervision. However, in case there is inordinate delay in their institutional training and the competent authority in the Circle satisfies that such officials could be entrusted with selective responsibility their service may be utilized accordingly after giving in-house training depending - F i le No.W -04121 2020-5PN-l-Part( 1 ) on the resources available with them. The in-house training imparted by the Circles to the Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant and Inspector Posts shall in no way be treated as a substitute for the formal training imparted by the PTCs. An indicative, Circle level in-house training programme for MTS, Postman, Mail Guard, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant and Inspector Posts has been prepared for this purpose, enclosed as Annexure A, which shall be followed by Circle to the extent possible.
6. Appointing authorities shall ensure that official thus appointed'under these instructions are sent for institutional induction training at the earliest but not later than one year of joining. However, if any such candidate is not accommodated by the PTC for training within one year of joining, due to unforeseen circumstances, such candidate shall be given priority in training slots available thereafter.
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