FAQs on SCSS Interest Payout and TDS Recovery | SCSS Interest Payout and TDS Recovery FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions) in Post Office CBS Finacle
FAQ on SCSS Interest Payout and TDS Recovery This document is for quick reference on frequently faced knowledge-issues only. For the complete procedure on SCSS Interest & TDS Recovery, user should refer to the relevant Rulings and Orders issued from time to time. SOL reporting non-payment of interest 1. HTDTRAN – check if all the details are proper
• Balance and Original Amt. should be equal • Maturity date should be equal to Value Date + Tenor • If Lien Amt. is not 0.00, check step 5 below. 2. HAITINQ (available with SBCO & CPI)
• If the three highlighted fields show that interest calculation is not done upto previous quarter and the next interest calculation date is less than current BOD date, then check step 3 on HAFI
• If the three highlighted fields show that interest is upto previous quarter and the next interest calculation falls in the next quarter only, then check step 4 on HTDSIP to check if interest amount is adjusted against TDS
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