Engagement of outsourced manpower for Aadhaar Enrolment/Updation in Post Offices | Concept Note for policy to deploy manpower at Post Office Aadhaar Centres Deployment
File no. -36-15/2017-BD&MD(pt V)Voll Government of India Ministry of Communication Department of Posts Business Development Directorate Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 Date: 22nd October 2021
Subject: Engagement of outsourced manpower for Aadhaar Enrolment/Updation.
Kind reference is invited to this office letter 36- 15/2017-BD&MD(Pt V) Vall dated 13.10.2020 vide which outsourcing of manpower for Aadhaar Enrolment/updation was approved. BD Dte is in receipt of queries from many Circles regarding various policies for hiring outsourced manpower.
2. In this connection. a concept note for policy to deploy manpower at Post office Aadhaar Centres has been prepared and attached herewith.
3 Circles are requested to kindly submit their suggestions (if any ) feedback on the afore said concept note for finalizing of policy to deploy manpower at Post Office Aadhaar Centres by 01.11.2021 through email id bddirectorate@gmail.com positively. if no reply received from Circles by 01.11.2021. it will be considered that suggestions are Nil.
Concept Note for policy to deploy manpower at Post Office Aadhaar Centres Deployment:
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