e-PLI Bond | ePLI Bond by Postal Life Insurance (PLI) Directorate | DigiLocker | e-PLI Policy Bond Launch by Secretary (Posts) Dated 12th Oct 2021 National Postal Week 9-16 Oct 2021
e-PLI Policy Bond Launch by Secretary (Posts) Dated 12th Oct 2021 National Postal Week 9-16 Oct 2021
ePLI Bond accessed through Digilocker is a valid digital document as per the Rule 9A of the Information Technology (Preservation and Retention of Information by Intermediaries Providing Digital Locker Facilities) Rules, 2016 notified on February 8, 2017, vide G.S.R. 711(E).
Claim Maturity Service Requests Just show the ePLI Bond from your Mobile at the Post office. No need to carry a physical copy of the policy bond henceforth.
Immediate: No wait time. ePLI Bond available on the date of approval automatically in electronic format
Always: Policy bond never lost. New mobile phone or a new computer, redownload the ePLI Bond.
Convenient: Treated as par with a physical copy. Just show the ePLI bond from the mobile phone to Post office
Keep all your PLI & RPLI Policies on your mobile phone now. Endowment Assurance, Anticipated Endowment Assurance, Whole Life Assurance, Convertible Whole Life Assurance, Child Policy, Yugal Suraksha (in PLI) & Gram Priya (in RPLI)
e PLI Bond Security: Available to only those with matching Name & date of birth with that of Aadhaar. Real-time data transmission from McCamish to Digilocker
Untemperable & Paperless Scan the ePLI Bond from within the digilocker issued section using the Digilocker Mobile app and receive the complete details of the Policyholder for verification.
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