DOP Employees Salary Comparison with IPPB | IPPB V/s DOP Salary Comparison | Deputation Of DOP Employees To IPPB Comparison Of Pay, Perks & Other Benefits - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DOP Employees Salary Comparison with IPPB | IPPB V/s DOP Salary Comparison | Deputation Of DOP Employees To IPPB Comparison Of Pay, Perks & Other Benefits


Basic details : 

 Inspectors fall in Pay Level 7 (as per revised Pay Matrix of 7th Pay Commission), with a starting Basic Pay of Rs.44900 which can go up to Rs.99800 in 28 years of his service, as per the Pay Matrix provided by DOP. 

 Postal Assistants fall in Pay Level 4, with a starting Basic pay of Rs.25500, which can go upto Rs.81100 as maximum basic (at the end of his service). After completion of every 10 years, he will get next Pay Grades I & II respectively, with one notional basic increment at each such promotion and accordingly his basic is fixed in next grade. 

Here, an assumption has been made. If a person joins DOP say at the age of 20 years as Postal Asst (after graduation), he will get 2 such grade promotions, by the time he reaches 40 years of age, since 40 years is the maximum age for a Postal Asst to apply for the post of Asst Manager (Area Op) in IPPB. Accordingly, his maximum basic may reach Rs.52000 by the time he reaches 40 years.

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