Application Form for Creation of Email Account over India Post Domain | Application Form for Creation of Email Account over Post Office/DOP Domain - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Application Form for Creation of Email Account over India Post Domain | Application Form for Creation of Email Account over Post Office/DOP Domain

 Guidelines  / Terms & Conditions

1.   All concerned may please use only CAPITAL LETTERS while filling up this form.

2.    Type of Email Account may be one of the followings:

a.   ‘Name Based Id’;

b.   Functional Ids”

i.   ‘Designation Based Id’;

ii.    ’Office  Based  Id’;

iii.   ‘Branch / Section in an Office’;

iv.  ‘Specific Purpose Ids’;

v.  ‘Any Other Category’ (details to be mentioned).

3.   The nomenclature & display name of the email id shall be decided by the Nodal Officer based on 

the current email policy. Applicant may refer to the email policy for details.

4.   Manner of Submission of Application Form:

a.   The applicant  will input relevant details against Para 1, 2 or 3 (as applicable)  & 4 to 9, sign and submit it to the Controlling Officer in hard copy.

b.   The Controlling  Officer will input relevant details against Para 10 & 11, authenticate  it with his/her signature & Designation Seal, scan the complete application form in ‘pdf’ format and send it to the Nodal Officer by email over mail id While sending this application to nodal officer, the controlling officer will use his/her functional or by name India Post domain email id only and the subject line should preferably be as “Email Id Creation _ <Type> _ <CircIe>. The Controlling Officer is defined in the Email Policy.

C.   The Nodal Officer upon receipt of mail from Controlling Officer will scrutinize the application based on the existing email policy and take suitable necessary action. He will put relevant inputs  under  Para  12  to  17  and  forward  the  application  to  IA's  identified  resource person/service desk (L1) for further necessary action.

d.   The IA's identified  resource  person/service desk  (L1)  will  take  necessary  action  and  will report compliance back to the Nodal Officer within the pre-defined time line. The compliance email  will contain input from the IA's identified  resource  person/service desk against  the Para(s) 18 to 20. Upon receipt of compliance from IA, Nodal Officer will update controlling officer concerned about completion of the activity.

5.   The User shall be abide by all the terms & conditions of the DOP Email Policy revised from time to time without any exception unless an exception is otherwise approved by the Competent Authority.

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