Abolition of 27 (Twenty Seven) Posts of PA SBCO under Karnataka Circle | The posts are abolished w.e.f 15.09.2021
In pursuance of orders contained in Directorate letter No. SS-24/2013-SP3-I dated 27.07.2016 conveyed vide Circle Office memo no. R&E/1-23/ADR/2005-08/Abolition dated 22.12.2016 and ESA/1-160/w dated 30.08.2021, sanction of the Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru 560001 is hereby conveyed for abolition of 27 (Twenty Seven) Posts of PA SBCO under Karnataka Circle. The posts are abolished w.e.f 15.09.2021. The particulars of the posts abolished are furnished below:
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