Aadhaar service Charges at all Aadhaar Enrolment and Update Centers | Charges to be applicable to the Residents for various Aadhaar services at all Aadhaar Enrolment and Update Centers including Post Offices | Latest Orders Dated 12.04.2021 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Aadhaar service Charges at all Aadhaar Enrolment and Update Centers | Charges to be applicable to the Residents for various Aadhaar services at all Aadhaar Enrolment and Update Centers including Post Offices | Latest Orders Dated 12.04.2021

 Charges  to  be  applicable  to  the  Residents  for  various Aadhaar   services  at all  Aadhaar  Enrolment   and  Update  Centers

The maximum  amount  of  fee  to  be charged  by Registrars/EAs/ ASKs/  Aadhaar  Kendras  for  various  Aadhaar  related  services  from residents  are as follows:-


Rate of fee  to be collected from Residents by Registrar/EA (incl. G ST)

Aadhaar  Enrolment

Free of Cost

Mandatory  Biometric  Update   (MBU)/MBU  along  with demographic  update

Free of Cost

Biometric  Update with or  without Demographic  update

Rs.  100.00

Demographic  Update

Rs.  50.00

e-Aadhaar  download  and color  print  on A4  Sheet

Rs.  30.00

*Update  of more than one field on single instance  will be considered  as one update.

2. The  above  rates  will  be  applicable  at  all Aadhaar  Enrollment  and update Centres across  the country.

3. This issues  with the  approval  of Competent  Authority.

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