Submission of Annual Life Certificate | Pension Disbursing Banks (PDAs) | Jeevan Pramaan Portal | IPPB (Postinfo App) Doorstep Service for submission of Digital Life Certificate through Postman - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Submission of Annual Life Certificate | Pension Disbursing Banks (PDAs) | Jeevan Pramaan Portal | IPPB (Postinfo App) Doorstep Service for submission of Digital Life Certificate through Postman

 Submission of Annual Life Certificate

Every  Central  Government  pensioner  has  to  submit  Annual  Life  Certificate  in  the month  of  November  for  further  continuation  of  pension.  It  has  been  observed  that  a  large number of Central Government pensioners physically visit bank branches for this purpose.

2.     Earlier,  as a measure  to enable an  additional  exclusive  window to very senior pensioners, this   Department,   vide   its   OM   No.   1/20/2018-P&PW(E),   dated   18.07.2019,   allowed   the pensioners  in the  age group  of  80 years  and  above,  to  submit  Annual  Life Certificate  from October onwards, instead of 1ˢᵗ November onwards, every year.

3.         The  different  modes  available  to  a  pensioner  for  submission  of  Annual  Life  Certificate are  once  again  summarized  for  Pensioners'  awareness.  An  Annual  Life  Certificate  can  be submitted manually or digitally as per convenience of the pensioner —

i.          Life   certificate   can   be   recorded   by   Pension   Disbursing   Banks   (PDAs),   if   the pensioner physically appears before the PDA.

ii.         Personal appearance of a pensioner will not be required, if the pensioner submits the life certificate form signed by any ‘designated official. In accordance  with para 14.3 of the  Scheme Booklet  issued by CPAO,  a pensioner  who produces  a life certificate  in the     prescribed     form     signed     by     persons     specified     is     exempted     from personal appearance.  A  list  of  designated   officials  specified  for  signing  the  Life  Certificate as per the scheme booklet of CPAO is attached at Annexure.

iii.         Pensioners  can  submit  Life Certificate  online  from  home  through  Jeevan  Pramaan Portal.   The   process   of   submission   of   Digital   Life  Certificate   through   “Jeevan Pramaan"   may   be   seen   at   

UIDAI   has  provided details  of  all  biometric  devices  which  are  permissible  for  capturing  biometrics  of  a person. Pensioners  may visit the site to get information of all such devices.

IV.        India  Post  Payments  Bank(IPPB)  of  Department  of  Posts  along  with Meity  have successfully  launched  the  initiative  of  the  Department  of  Pension  &  Pensioners' Welfare:  “Doorstep  Service  for  submission  of  Digital  Life  Certificate  through Postman”  in  November 2020

In  order  to  make  this  facility  available  across  the country, DOPPW  roped  in  the  India  Post  Payments  Bank  (IPPB)  to  utilize  its  huge network   of  Postmen   and  Gramin  Dak  Sevaks   in  providing  doorstep   facility  to pensioners  for  submission  of  life  certificate  digitally. 

IPPB  is  utilizing  its  national network of more than 1,36,000 access points in Post Offices and more than 1,89,000 Postmen  &Gramin Dak Sevaks  with smart phones  and biometric  devices to provide Doorstep  Banking  Services.  For  leveraging  this facility  through Mobile,  a pensioner has   to   download   "Postinfo   APP”   from   Google   Play   store.   

The  process   of submission    of    Digital    Life    Certificate    through    Postman    may    be seen    at

V.         DOPPW  was  also  instrumental  in  roping  in  an  Alliance  comprising  12  Public Sector Banks which do "Doorstep Banking"  for its customers in 100 major  cities of  the  country  under  Ease  of  banking  reforms.  PSB  Alliance  has  introduced  the service  for  collection  of  Life  Certificates  under  the  umbrella  of  Doorstep  Banking. DSB Agent shall visit the doorstep of Pensioner to render the service. Service can be booked by the pensioner  through any of the 3 channels  i.e. Mobile App, Website  or Toll Free Number.

•     Mobile App i.e "Doorstep  Banking (DSB)"  can be downloaded from Google Playstore.

•     Pensioners  can access  through Web Browser  I.e

•     Through Toll free Number:- 18001213721, 18001037188

4.         All Pension Disbursing  Authorities  are requested to take note of this OM for compliance and give wide publicity of the same amongst pensioners

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